UGANDA MOE: Ask Makerere University to stop discriminating against students based on their religious beliefs

Petition to: Honourable Janet Museveni Minister of Education


UGANDA MOE: Ask Makerere University to stop discriminating against students based on their religious beliefs


UGANDA MOE: Ask Makerere University to stop discriminating against students based on their religious beliefs

2,477 have signed.

It is a dark day for students from Universities in Uganda who attempted to participate in an event hosted by Makerere University, the largest and oldest UNiversity in Uganda.

The university has been running a week-long campaign on what they term as "Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights". This event was targeting all University students but what has happened has left some students frustrated and infuriated.

The campaign which is sponsored by International pro-abortion groups is pushing for anti-life agenda to the students and it will not allow students who believe abortion is murder to participate.

In what seems to be a calculated move to shut down pro-life students, the leadership of the University threw out any student with contrary opinion from a zoom meeting they held on Tuesday the 27th of July.

A youthful participant who was scheduled to speak was thrown out at the last minute. He was told that background research on him indicated that he was pro-life and thus not fit to speak!

Another student was kicked out of the zoom meeting when she raised concerns about the agenda of the event.

Tens of other students were locked out of the zoom meeting due to their religious beliefs. Additionally, any student who asked sensitive questions based on morals and reservations about contraception and abortion was removed.

Organizers were advertising abortion centres Marie Stopes Uganda and nowhere did they inform participants about the dangers of contraception and abortion. The students were regarded as sex slaves who must be directed to contraceptive and abortion centres without any question, anyone who dared question this, was kicked out!

Marie  Stopes International are not new to controversy and have been advertising abortion like candy in Africa. In Kenya, they were suspended after they led a massive pro-abortion advertising campaign targeting the kenyan youth .

It is shocking and disappointing to see that in such a leading university, students have no freedom of speech or freedom to stand by their religious beliefs.

This needs to stop and that is why we are asking the ministry of education in Uganda to take quick action against the perpetrators.

We need to have all students respected and not discriminated against based on their religious beliefs.

2,477 have signed.

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Petition to: Honourable Janet Museveni Minister of Education

Dear your excellency,

I write this petition asking you to take immediate action against the leadership of Makerere University on the grounds of discriminating against students based on their religious beliefs.

The university student leaders organized a week-long pro-abortion campaign but kicked out speakers and participants who opposed abortion.

This is against their rights of freedom of speech and association. Makerere University prides itself on being an inclusive and fair institution but the events followed by this petition have proven otherwise.

Kindly take action immediately.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Honourable Janet Museveni Minister of Education

Dear your excellency,

I write this petition asking you to take immediate action against the leadership of Makerere University on the grounds of discriminating against students based on their religious beliefs.

The university student leaders organized a week-long pro-abortion campaign but kicked out speakers and participants who opposed abortion.

This is against their rights of freedom of speech and association. Makerere University prides itself on being an inclusive and fair institution but the events followed by this petition have proven otherwise.

Kindly take action immediately.

[Your Name]