STOP release of pedophilia love story "Call Me by Your Name"

Petition to: Sony Pictures


STOP release of pedophilia love story "Call Me by Your Name"

STOP release of pedophilia love story "Call Me by Your Name"

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Sony’s new film Call Me by Your Name glamorizes and normalizes homosexual pedophilia.

Call Me by Your Name follows the story of a 17-year-old male student living with his parents in Italy who is wooed into a homosexual relationship by a 24-year-old male graduate student.

No major publications have taken note of this age discrepancy. Instead, they have almost unilaterally praised the movie’s so-called “sensual” sex scenes. Variety has already called the movie a top contenders for Best Picture at the Oscars.

Some of the film's supporters argue that the relationship in the movie was “consensual,” or that the legal age of consent in Italy is 14 (as if that has anything to do with objective moral values and ethics!). Of course, for the radical left, why stop at 14? Many activists in Italy in the mid 1980s actually tried to lower the age of consent to 12!

By releasing and promoting this movie, Sony is making a statement about their apathy towards pedophilia.

Just last week in the United States, politician Anthony Weiner was sentenced to 21 months behind bars for virtual sexual contact with a 15-year-old. But apparently Sony didn't get the message that pedophilia is NEVER OKAY - regardless of whether it is consensual, homosexual, in a foreign country, etc . . .

Hardly a week goes by without a teacher going on trial for sexual contact with one of their students, including teenagers much younger than 17. Perverse movies like Call Me by Your Name embolden this moral and psychological depravity.

Will you help us send a message to Sony by signing this petition? We want to make it clear that we are not interested in viewing movies about pedophilia  The last thing we need is major entertainment outlets supporting and normalizing this depravity.

CitizenGO and the Christian Film and Television Commission call on Sony Picture Classics to pull Call Me by Your Name from their release schedule.

Sexual exploitation has plagued this world enough, and we should not be celebrating a story about pedophilia lust for underage children.


Movie Trailer:

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Petition to: Sony Pictures

Dear Michael Barker and Tom Bernard, Co-Presidents of Sony Pictures Classics,

I just watched the trailer for Call Me by Your Name and I was very disappointed to see that the story is a romance between a 24-year-old man and an underage 17-year- old boy. This is very troubling.

Too often teenagers are lured into sexual relationships with adults. The last thing we want is for this to be normalized and celebrated. You may think 17 is not too young, but what about 16, 14, or 12? Those are sexual consent ages that are in place in many countries in Europe, and it is having a terrible effect.

This a slippery slope that endangers our children’s emotional, physical, and psychological health.

For the sake of our youth, please pull Call Me by Your Name from your release schedule. Do not help predators feel justified in luring teenagers into sexual relationships.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Sony Pictures

Dear Michael Barker and Tom Bernard, Co-Presidents of Sony Pictures Classics,

I just watched the trailer for Call Me by Your Name and I was very disappointed to see that the story is a romance between a 24-year-old man and an underage 17-year- old boy. This is very troubling.

Too often teenagers are lured into sexual relationships with adults. The last thing we want is for this to be normalized and celebrated. You may think 17 is not too young, but what about 16, 14, or 12? Those are sexual consent ages that are in place in many countries in Europe, and it is having a terrible effect.

This a slippery slope that endangers our children’s emotional, physical, and psychological health.

For the sake of our youth, please pull Call Me by Your Name from your release schedule. Do not help predators feel justified in luring teenagers into sexual relationships.

[Your Name]