Support the Jandarmeria Română for enforcing public order law against LGBT activist

The Jandarmeria Română need support as they fight bogus claims of discrimination by LGBT activists


Support the Jandarmeria Română for enforcing public order law against LGBT activist

Support the Jandarmeria Română for enforcing public order law against LGBT activist

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At the beginning of this month, two demonstrations occurred in the city of Cluj. One of the demonstrations was sponsored by LGBT activists, and sought to promote the legalisation of so-called "civil partnerships". The other demonstration was sponsored by supporters of the natural family, and sought to highlight the obvious benefits to society and children, of marriage as between a man and a woman only.

But, whereas the LGBT march was allowed to proceed unmolested, the pro-family march was disrupted by an LGBT activist (who had attended the LGBT march), actress Oana Mardare. Mardare initially claimed that she came to the pro-family march in order to "dialogue" with the pro-family attendees.

However, as pictures and video footage now attest, Mardare was not actually there to "dialogue", but apparently, rather, to throw a tantrum. Indeed, her behaviour was so bad that the Jandarmeria Română - whose job it is, under the law, to preserve public order at public assemblies - judged that it was necessary to have Ms Mardare removed from the pro-family march.

And, under the Romanian Legal Code, the Jandarmeria Română were only acting in accordance with the law - specifically, Law 60/1991, which deals with the organisation and holding of public assemblies, and which calls for the protection of those assembled.

But, now, a USR MP, who is also an LGBT activist, Deputy Adrian Dohotaru, has asked for an investigation into police procedure, as though the Jandarmeria Română is, through the action of preserving the peace, by removing Ms Mardare, somehow guilty of some kind of unspecified "discrimination".

Such a request by the USR deputy is not only ridiculous, but also a waste of taxpayers' monies!

This petition, therefore, seeks to do two things: 1) Congratulates the Jandarmeria Română for simply - and, without prejudice - applying the law, and asks them to continue to do so, without being affected by political consideration; and, 2) Asks President Klaus Iohannis to discourage the provocative and misleading investigation proposed by the USR deputy, Adrian Dohotaru.

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Support the Jandarmeria Română for enforcing public order law against LGBT activist

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Commander of the Jandarmeria Română - Mr Marin Andreiana
  • President of Romania - Mr Klaus Iohannis

I am writing to support the Jandarmeria Română in their enforcement of the public order laws against the bogus claims of some LGBT activists.

I understand that, after an LGBT march, promoting civil partnerships, took place in the city of Cluj, another march - attend by supporters of the natural family - was disrupted by an activist who attended the LGBT march.

This LGBT activist, actress Oana Mardare, apparently behaved in an unruly manner, causing a breach of the peace, and, therefore, causing her forcible removal from the pro-family march by the Jandarmeria Română.

But, now, a USR MP, who is also an LGBT activist, Deputy Adrian Dohotaru, has asked for an investigation into police procedure, as though the Jandarmeria Română is guilty of some kind of "discrimination".

Such a request by the USR deputy is not only ridiculous, but also a waste of taxpayers' monies!

As is clear from the photos and video footage of the day, the Jandarmeria Română acted in accord with the law, specifically, Law 60/1991 in the Romanian Legal Code, which deals with the organisation and holding of public assemblies, and which calls for the protection of those assembled.

The Jandarmeria Română simply applied the law, as prescribed, without prejudice and without discrimination - which, in today's world, so often dictated by political considerations, deserves to be congratulated.

Therefore, I, along with the rest of the signers of this petition, wish to salute the Jandarmeria Română for a job well done. At the same time, we also wish for President Klaus Iohannis to discourage the progress of any complaint made against the force in this regard.

[Your Name]

Support the Jandarmeria Română for enforcing public order law against LGBT activist

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Commander of the Jandarmeria Română - Mr Marin Andreiana
  • President of Romania - Mr Klaus Iohannis

I am writing to support the Jandarmeria Română in their enforcement of the public order laws against the bogus claims of some LGBT activists.

I understand that, after an LGBT march, promoting civil partnerships, took place in the city of Cluj, another march - attend by supporters of the natural family - was disrupted by an activist who attended the LGBT march.

This LGBT activist, actress Oana Mardare, apparently behaved in an unruly manner, causing a breach of the peace, and, therefore, causing her forcible removal from the pro-family march by the Jandarmeria Română.

But, now, a USR MP, who is also an LGBT activist, Deputy Adrian Dohotaru, has asked for an investigation into police procedure, as though the Jandarmeria Română is guilty of some kind of "discrimination".

Such a request by the USR deputy is not only ridiculous, but also a waste of taxpayers' monies!

As is clear from the photos and video footage of the day, the Jandarmeria Română acted in accord with the law, specifically, Law 60/1991 in the Romanian Legal Code, which deals with the organisation and holding of public assemblies, and which calls for the protection of those assembled.

The Jandarmeria Română simply applied the law, as prescribed, without prejudice and without discrimination - which, in today's world, so often dictated by political considerations, deserves to be congratulated.

Therefore, I, along with the rest of the signers of this petition, wish to salute the Jandarmeria Română for a job well done. At the same time, we also wish for President Klaus Iohannis to discourage the progress of any complaint made against the force in this regard.

[Your Name]