No to Porn and Erotica departments in mainstream European retail outlets!

Petition to: Erich Harsch, Chairman of dm Shops


No to Porn and Erotica departments in mainstream European retail outlets!

No to Porn and Erotica departments in mainstream European retail outlets!

22,246 have signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Will an erotica aisle, with "sex toys and more," soon be coming to every supermarket near you?

Not so far (and, hopefully, not ever), but the German drugstore chain dm (with shops in 8 European countries, including Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary), along with a large maker of erotica, is heading that way. The company recently announced that a range of "sex toys" will be available in its shops in Germany from July, 2017.

With the inclusion of these products on the shop floor, which, at the moment, are only available online (dm has also offered them for some time already) and in erotica shops, dm may initiate a dangerous and lamentable softening toward such an array of products being openly sold in "mainstream" retail outlets.

It is not surprising, however, that Lea-Sophie Cramer, the founder of the erotica producer, Amorelie, which dm has chosen to partner, sees a "logical" development in going from online to in-home retailing, as she explains in her interview with the industry magazine "Marketing": "The topic of sex toys has meanwhile reached the mainstream. The sale of [such] products in the stationary trade [i.e., in retail outlets, like dm's shops] is therefore sensible. Dm is not only one of the largest drugstore chains in Germany, but also very innovative in both marketing and product selection, justifying the decision to work with the company."

Since Amorelie mostly belongs to the media group ProSiebenSat.1 (which is a large German mass media company), it is to be assumed that there is a long-term business strategy behind the decision to introduce erotica products into the range of dm's retail trade. After all, the erotica and porn market is a billion-dollar business, where a lot of money can be made.

The fact that, with a growing range of erotica articles in the retail trade, children are taught, earlier and earlier, that these "adult toys" are part of everyday life and indispensable, seems to be more than just a desired side-effect, but, probably, a key part of the "business model".

But, businesses, and particularly retail businesses such as dm, have a responsibility to the public and to the communities in which they are located. And, especially, to the impressionable children and adolescents of those communities.

By "mainstreaming" porn and erotica in their shops, they may increase their profit margin a little, but at the expense of the innocence of children, adolescents - and, adults! And, innocence is not something which one can buy or sell, and it is also something which cannot be regained, once lost.

Such "mainstreaming" of porn and erotica may set in motion a retail trend which could corrupt and injure the minds of the young - not just in Germany and Austria, but also all around Europe.

Indeed, in some jurisdictions around the world, porn has been declared as a "public health crisis". So, why would retailers, such as dm, wish to throw petrol on an already burning fire?

With the accompanying petition, we would like to give you the opportunity to inform the management of the dm Group that you are unhappy and perturbed with their announced plans to sell a range erotica, in-store. Together, with many other active citizens, you will be supporting the demand: "No to Porn and Erotica departments in mainstream European retail outlets!".


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No to Porn and Erotica departments in mainstream European retail outlets!

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Chairman of dm Stores - Mr Erich Harsch

Recently, you announced that from July, 2017 onwards, dm shops will expand their market assortment, in cooperation with one of the makers of erotica, to include various sex toys.

Obviously, this is a test of whether or not customers will accept this kind of product being sold in your retail outlets - but, this also a blatant attempt to move such a product range from erotica "red light" shops to "mainstream" shopping. After all, the erotica and porn business is an extensive market where a lot of money could be made.

And once a line of erotica is successfully established, it would be all the easier to expand such an assortment, silently and quietly - always seeking to push the envelope of what is taboo - in order to increase sales.

We, the undersigned, would like to politely, but decisively, inform you that we reject this development in the retail sector, and urge you to withdraw the plans for this range expansion in dm shops.

We do understand that you intend on beginning such promotion in your German and Austrian markets (which, goes without saying, is unacceptable), but as dm is also European-wide retailer, with shops in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary, we believe that such a development in Germany and Austria could spead to your other markets...and, also, perhaps pressure other retailers to join you in this lamentable pushing of such merchandise (lest they believe they will lose out on unrealised profits).

As you know, businesses, and particularly retail businesses such as dm, have a responsibility to the public and to the communities in which they are located. And, especially, to the impressionable children and adolescents of those communities.

By "mainstreaming" porn and erotica in your shops, you may increase your profit margin a little, but at the expense of the innocence of children, adolescents - and, adults! And, innocence is not something which one can buy or sell, and it is also something which cannot be regained, once lost.

Indeed, you may set in motion a retail trend which could corrupt and injure the minds of the young. In some jurisdictions around the world, porn has been declared as a "public health crisis". So, why would you wish to throw petrol on an already burning fire?

Please consider this seriously, and withdraw your plans for introducing porn and erotica into dm shops.

[Your Name]

No to Porn and Erotica departments in mainstream European retail outlets!

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Chairman of dm Stores - Mr Erich Harsch

Recently, you announced that from July, 2017 onwards, dm shops will expand their market assortment, in cooperation with one of the makers of erotica, to include various sex toys.

Obviously, this is a test of whether or not customers will accept this kind of product being sold in your retail outlets - but, this also a blatant attempt to move such a product range from erotica "red light" shops to "mainstream" shopping. After all, the erotica and porn business is an extensive market where a lot of money could be made.

And once a line of erotica is successfully established, it would be all the easier to expand such an assortment, silently and quietly - always seeking to push the envelope of what is taboo - in order to increase sales.

We, the undersigned, would like to politely, but decisively, inform you that we reject this development in the retail sector, and urge you to withdraw the plans for this range expansion in dm shops.

We do understand that you intend on beginning such promotion in your German and Austrian markets (which, goes without saying, is unacceptable), but as dm is also European-wide retailer, with shops in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary, we believe that such a development in Germany and Austria could spead to your other markets...and, also, perhaps pressure other retailers to join you in this lamentable pushing of such merchandise (lest they believe they will lose out on unrealised profits).

As you know, businesses, and particularly retail businesses such as dm, have a responsibility to the public and to the communities in which they are located. And, especially, to the impressionable children and adolescents of those communities.

By "mainstreaming" porn and erotica in your shops, you may increase your profit margin a little, but at the expense of the innocence of children, adolescents - and, adults! And, innocence is not something which one can buy or sell, and it is also something which cannot be regained, once lost.

Indeed, you may set in motion a retail trend which could corrupt and injure the minds of the young. In some jurisdictions around the world, porn has been declared as a "public health crisis". So, why would you wish to throw petrol on an already burning fire?

Please consider this seriously, and withdraw your plans for introducing porn and erotica into dm shops.

[Your Name]