Petition to: A Declaration on the Rights of Children and Families
A Call from Children of the World
A Call from Children of the World
The UN Family Rights Caucus, CitzenGo, and Family Watch International strongly urge you to support a major launch of "The Declaration on the Rights of Children and their Families" (see to the right).
The talented children who will present this Declaration in just a few short weeks at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, received a long, standing ovation when they presented it to a small group of UN diplomats earlier this year. Everyone present could feel the power of their message and they are sure to have the same impact at the upcoming major UN launch in Geneva.
Surely this Declaration was meant for such a time as this as children and families from all around the world arise and call upon governments to protect their families and the right of children to grow up in a loving, stable home guided by their parents.
The letter below is from Daylon, Daura, and Raylee, three of the children who are presenting this declaration in Geneva. They need the support of children all over the world!
Please share their letter and the Declaration with your children and ask them if they would be willing to stand with all of the children presenting the Declaration to the UN. Then, please forward this far and wide so children and families everywhere can sign the Declaration and join this powerful worldwide movement to protect the rights of children and their families.
To Families and Children Around the World,
We need your help! We have the opportunity to present an important “Declaration on the Rights of Children and Their Families” at the United Nations.
If you sign it, we, the children of the world, will be able to make government leaders aware that we want these rights and not the controversial things many people at the United Nations say we want that can hurt us and won’t help us.
This Declaration can influence lawmakers all over the world to protect children by protecting our families, and we want to ensure the right to a loving family for every child wherever possible.
We don’t know how to make laws that will solve many of the problems that face children today, but we know that this Declaration is a good start. The part of the Declaration about protecting the health and innocence of children is really important.
We need the guidance and protection of our parents and families!
Will you join us and other children around the world in declaring the rights of children and the family?
Please sign the Declaration, and after we present it at the UN, we will send you a link to a video of our presentation. If you believe in this Declaration like we do, let us speak for you at the UN.
Together we can make a big difference at the United Nations!
Daylon (age 13), Daura (age 12), Reylee (age 11)
You can make a major difference for the Family at the UN by supporting Daylon, Daura, Reylee and the other children launching this decalration by taking the following simple steps:
- Read the “Declaration on the Rights of Children and Their Families,” (to the right) then sign online and forward it to others to sign as well.
- If you are a parent or legal gaurdian, discuss the Declaration with your children. [To print a copy click here.]
- If your children agree with the Declaration and want to sign it, enter their names online as signers as well. (18 and younger) You will note that precautions are being taken to protect the identity of children who sign.
Since the first major presentation of this Declaration will be September 12th, please help us spread the word quickly. Please contact as many people as you can (children, parents, relatives, organizations, church and school groups etc.) who might also want to help protect children and families.
Let’s get behind these children and get as many signatures from around the world as we can. The more families and children around the world who sign this declaration the greater impact it can have on world leaders.
Please help us make this happen!
Why is this Declaration so important? Keep reading for a little more of the history that explains why this Declaration is so important.
For years the UN has been calling on governments to “hear the children”, meaning to let them have a say in government, to establish mechanisms such as “children’s parliaments” for them to be heard and to even put children on their UN delegations so they can influence UN policies.
Yet, anti-family UN lobbying groups and UN bureaucrats constantly hand pick children to attend UN meetings who have been carefully groomed to promote radical sexual rights and other things harmful to children. The “Bali Youth Declaration” is a good example. (Click here to see our past report on this.)
This radial Bali Youth Declaration" claims that what children and youth around the world really want are rights to abortion, to be able to express their sexuality, experience sexual pleasure, and to legalize prostitution and same-sex marriage among other things. Often thee youth have little or no understanding of what they are advocating.
We know from past experience that when children honestly and sincerely present their views and concerns that it has a huge impact on policy makers. We know that they can help focus the world leaders on the language of existing UN documents and that are now too often ignored. This is why “The Declaration on the Rights of Children and Their Families” came about.