Petition to: The Speaker of East African Legislative Assembly
Stop the abortion and Sexualization bill at the East African Legislative Assembly
Stop the abortion and Sexualization bill at the East African Legislative Assembly
The East African Community could still be forced into debating yet again the very controversial "Sexual and Reproductive and Health" bill. This is the fourth attempt by the East African Legislative Assembly to try to re-table this bill after several unsuccessful attempts.
For the last five years, four fresh attempts have been made at introducing the controversial “Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)” bill at the East African Legislative Assembly. The recent attempt has renamed it the “Sexual and Reproductive Health Bill” dropping the contentious “rights” qualification, with the radical ‘rights contents remaining. all the same.
Every time this bill has been introduced, citizens from member states have objected to it as it pushes and seeks to authorize/legalize abortion, contraception, and sexualization of children; surrogacy mandates Assisted Reproductive technology and even gender ideology.
The heavily funded abortionists seem not to give up and have often camped at EALA to train members of parliament on how to push for abortion and their evil anti-family agenda. The public hearings associated with this Bill have always been favorable to the abortionist groups and SRHR supporting entities, who are selectively invited to endorse the scheme unchallenged..
The fresh attempt to introduce the bill is “privately” sponsored through Hon Kennedy Mukulia Ayason, who in the previous sitting shamelessly defended “Comprehensive Sexuality Education.” We clearly see the EAC is being used as a law-making conduit to clear ways for legal attack and abuse of our children in the name of sexual Reproductive Health law. A law when passed does not add any value to the day-to-day livelihood of our children, and indeed the East African member States.
The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) has been the target of determined abortion groups who want to see abortion on demand, Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and gender ideology, legal in East Africa.
These abortion groups supported by elements in the European Union and led by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) have led to cultural imperialism and neo-colonialism, especially in East African countries, as they attempt to overhaul their pro-life laws, and erode religious values.
Their recent failed attempts were in having abortion legal in Kenya and Malawi through the infamous “Kihika Abortion Bill “ and the Malawi Abortion bill, respectively. Having failed at this level, they have now targeted the EALA.
SIDA has been sitting with the sometimes naive or rather often greedy members of EALA to train them on how to table the controversial abortion bill and how to defend it in the face of "conservative backlash". These abortion groups have been pouring money and training the legislators to be insensitively pro-abortion.
It is sad that now Hon. Mukulia Kennedy has become their latest crusader and is heard shamelessly defending Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in the previous EALA sittings. According to Hon Kennedy Mukulia, " Comprehensive Sexuality Education is good for our society and that SRHR is not harmful". The Bill euphemistically refers to “Age appropriate comprehensive sexuality education (CSE)” but the CSE promoted by United Nation agencies is never age or culturally appropriate. The CSE promoted by UN agencies and the EU entails the following:-
Encouraging acceptance and exploration of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities (Homosexuality and transgenderism)
Promoting high-risk sexual behaviors (including anal and oral sex) and teaches they are safe.
Promoting sexual pleasure and promiscuity as a right for children.
Promoting abortion as safe and without consequences.
Encouraging children to experiment sexually with individuals of their sex or the opposite sex.
Claiming that access to “comprehensive sexuality education” is a human right.
Teaching children and youth that they are sexual from birth.
Promoting condoms to children without informing them of their failure rates.
Promoting disrespect for parents and religious and cultural values.
Promoting sexual counseling, information or services to minors without parental consent.
Training children to advocate for their “sexual rights” in laws and policies.
Encouraging “peer to peer” sexuality education.
The ideology of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights is the most abused today by abortionists; it is a euphemism for abortion and LGBT rights.
The Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania, and the Republic of Uganda are the countries that will be bound by this legislation in case it is passed. These countries have had a real battle with abortionists independently. It seems now they have to fight again at the East African Community level, where EALA representatives are bent to go out of their way and mandate to make controversial laws for sovereign member States; well aware that provisions such as abortion, contraception for children, Surrogacy among others are illegal and unacceptable by member states.
The following status of pro-life laws in the targeted countries:-
Burundi- Abortion on demand is illegal
DR Congo- Abortion on demand is illegal
Kenya-Abortion on demand is illegal
Rwanda-Abortion on demand is illegal
South Sudan-Abortion on demand is illegal
Tanzania-Abortion on demand is illegal
Uganda-Abortion on demand is illegal
Kindly sign this petition, ask the speaker of EALA to have the controversial "SRHR" bill by Honourable Kennedy Mukulia withdrawn with immediate effect.
Hon. Mukulia Kennedy seeks house leave to introduce abortion “srhr” bill
EALA sitting endorses controversial abortion bill