Support Hungarian Govt Decision to Defund Gender Studies

Support Hungarian Effort to Defund Gender Studies!


Support Hungarian Govt Decision to Defund Gender Studies

Support Hungarian Govt Decision to Defund Gender Studies

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In Hungary, the Government have decided to stop financing Gender Studies in their universities.

They decided that public funding should no longer support an ideology which opposes both common sense and the common good, and which forces society to conform itself to a wrong-headed notion of human nature.

And, their courageous decision is, in fact, in harmony with evidence given by many distinguished psychiatrists who are now speaking out, against the unsound notion that sex is fluid and a matter of choice. In particular, they [the psychiatrists] are concerned about the welfare of children and young people in this regard.

Dr Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins University (USA), who has studied the phenomenon of gender dysphoria for 40 years, has stated that the idea of gender fluidity "is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges". [See more below.]

And, the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) is clear about the promotion of transgenderism as being harmful public policy:

"Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: 'XY' and 'XX' are genetic markers of health – not genetic markers of a disorder. The norm for human design is to be conceived, either male or female…Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents…” [Read more in the 'For More Information' section.]

But, of course, the Hungarian promoters of this confused philosophy (NOT science) are unhappy with their Government’s decision. Immediately after this decision was revealed, they began to solicit international pressure to oppose the Government – and, have been very active in the media.

One Gender Studies professor in Hungary even suggested, on social media, that, due to this international pressure, the Hungarian Government might change its decision behind closed doors. However, a Government spokesman has subsequently stated that the Government has not changed its mind on the issue.

But, suffice it to say, a drastic change on this decision would represent a retreat on this important social issue – which could, by consequence, lead to untold harm.  

So, now – before any final, written decision has been taken – we need to show our SUPPORT for this common-sense policy!

We need to stand with the Hungarian Government on this issue…and, show them (and, the world) that there is international support and approval for their common-sense decision to end public funding of Gender Studies at third level institutions.

Please sign this urgent and important petition, today! Thank you!


More on what Dr Paul McHugh said on this topic:

Here's the ACP statement on Gender Ideology:

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We support defunding gender studies!

For the Kind Attention of:
Minister Prof. Miklós Kásler (Human Capacities),
and Members of Government,

We support the Hungarian Government's decision to cut public funding of Gender Studies in Hungarian Universities.

Our society and the natural family are also now threatened by the false and dangerous ideas of gender ideology, which often come from university faculties. As you must know already, many interests which work against the common good of society and the natural family (and, frankly, a country's children), such as many international institutions (e.g., the UN and EU) and some governments, as well as powerful/wealthy international NGOs, use university faculties to project (and, if not opposed, make real) their false ideologies on society.

That is why it is essential not to let them grow.

For us, Hungary could be an example of how we should react to protect the common good, the natural family, and our country's children - against gender ideology - which we could follow in the future.

Thank you for your consideration.

PS - At CitizenGO's Gender & Sex Conference, organised in March 2018, specialists shared their distress and unease about gender ideology. We are pleased to provide the ministry with a list of professionals who spoke at our conference, as well as their presentations.

[Ihr Name]

We support defunding gender studies!

For the Kind Attention of:
Minister Prof. Miklós Kásler (Human Capacities),
and Members of Government,

We support the Hungarian Government's decision to cut public funding of Gender Studies in Hungarian Universities.

Our society and the natural family are also now threatened by the false and dangerous ideas of gender ideology, which often come from university faculties. As you must know already, many interests which work against the common good of society and the natural family (and, frankly, a country's children), such as many international institutions (e.g., the UN and EU) and some governments, as well as powerful/wealthy international NGOs, use university faculties to project (and, if not opposed, make real) their false ideologies on society.

That is why it is essential not to let them grow.

For us, Hungary could be an example of how we should react to protect the common good, the natural family, and our country's children - against gender ideology - which we could follow in the future.

Thank you for your consideration.

PS - At CitizenGO's Gender & Sex Conference, organised in March 2018, specialists shared their distress and unease about gender ideology. We are pleased to provide the ministry with a list of professionals who spoke at our conference, as well as their presentations.

[Ihr Name]