Tartsa magát a kormány a 2020-ban aláírt Genfi Konszenzus Nyilatkozathoz!



Tartsa magát a kormány a 2020-ban aláírt Genfi Konszenzus Nyilatkozathoz!

Tartsa magát a kormány a 2020-ban aláírt Genfi Konszenzus Nyilatkozathoz!

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Magyarország nemcsak, hogy aláírója volt, hanem támogatta is az életpárti Genfi Konszenzus Nyilatkozatot.


A Nyilatkozatot Lengyelország is aláírta. A CitizenGO lengyel közösségének tagjai a napokban a lengyel kormányt keresik meg ugyanezzel a kéréssel.


The Geneva Consensus Declaration (GCD) is an international document signed on October 22 nd, 2020 during a multinational convention initiated by the former US administration. The GCD has been then supported by 34 countries inhabited by 1.6 billion people around the world, including United States (which has ultimately stepped out from the document during the presidency of Joe Biden) Poland, Hungary, Brazil and thirty other countries. All the signatories have declared their support for common values and efforts to defend fundamental human rights. The declaration is an commitment of states that are striving to restore the true meaning of the concept of human rights. The pillars of the document are:


Concern for women's health
Protection of human life
Strengthening the family - the basic unit of society
Defense of the sovereignty of nations in creating their own life protection policies

The Geneva Consensus Declaration is the document that backs a strategic international coalition made up of 37 nations. First signed in 2020 and reaffirmed in 2021, the document seeks to protect the sovereign right of nations to support their own core values through national policy and legislation.

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