Urgent: Protect Kenya's Churches from Taxation!



Urgent: Protect Kenya's Churches from Taxation!

Urgent: Protect Kenya's Churches from Taxation!

2.120 podpisov. Dosiahnime spoločne 5.000!

Imagine your church, your sanctuary, under threat.

Activists are in court, seeking to slap taxes on Kenya's churches. They argue that clauses in the Income Tax Act Cap 470 are unjust, and churches should pay their share. But here’s the thing: our churches are not just buildings or businesses. They're the beating heart of our communities.

Our churches don’t just offer spiritual guidance and moral values. They're a lifeline for many, providing food, shelter, clothing, and so much more. Studies show they contribute millions to our economy, not counting the countless transformed lives thanks to the Gospel's power.

Just this June, the High Court stopped the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) from taxing tithes and donations. Yet, here we are again, with activists pushing for church taxation.

What's at stake isn't just about money; it's about our freedom of worship. Picture this: our churches, forced to disclose their income, becoming subjects of the state. The government would have control over religious institutions, leading to potential political meddling in our faith.

Our churches are tax-exempt entities, not profit-making machines. They have no owners or shareholders to benefit from any net income. The recent move to tax them is a desperate attempt to muzzle the church, flying in the face of a recent High Court ruling.

Our Constitution prizes and protects our freedom of religion. Article 32 declares, "Every person has the right to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief, and opinion." Taxing the church undermines this sacred principle.

If we succeed, we avoid a future where the government taxes our churches, leading to church-state enforcement entanglement and curtailed religious freedom. Instead, we preserve our religious freedom as enshrined in the Kenyan constitution.

We must act now! Sign the petition and demand Attorney General Justin Muturi defend our religious freedom from impending church taxation.

**More information:**

- [ADF Legal](https://adflegal.org/article/no-strings-attached-why-government-shouldnt...)

- [Standard Media](https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/health/business/article/2001488266/activ...)

- [Tuko](http,s://www.tuko.co.ke/business-economy/533190-kenyan-man-moves-court-churches-m...)

- [Capital FM](https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/business/2024/01/petition-to-compel-churches...)

- [Business Daily Africa](https://www.businessdailyafrica.com/bd/economy/high-court-stops-kra-from...)

- [Kenya Law Reform Commission](https://www.klrc.go.ke/index.php/constitution-of-kenya/112-chapter-four-...)

2.120 podpisov. Dosiahnime spoločne 5.000!

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Dear Hon. Justin Muturi, Attorney General of Kenya,

We, the undersigned, stand in unity to defend religious freedom in Kenya and implore you to put an end to the impending taxation of churches. Kenya's rich history of religious diversity has allowed for spiritual guidance, moral values, and community support to flourish, and taxing churches could hinder their ability to exercise religious freedom.

Recent court rulings have upheld the tax-exempt status of churches, recognizing that tithes, offerings, and donations are not a form of income subjected to taxation. Despite these rulings, activists continue to attack the church and push for taxation, threatening the vital role of churches in Kenyan society.

Churches provide immense economic and social value to their communities, offering essential services such as food, shelter, and clothing to those in need. Studies have shown that churches contribute significantly to local economies, and taxing them would only serve to diminish their positive impact.

Moreover, allowing government control of the church could lead to politicians abusing their power and attempting to redefine religious doctrine, resulting in a dangerous infringement on religious freedom. We must learn from history and not allow political agendas to meddle in spiritual matters.

We urge you, Hon. Justin Muturi, to uphold the constitutional interest of protecting churches from government control and taxation. Please take action to ensure that religious freedom in Kenya remains intact and that churches can continue to serve their communities without unnecessary financial burdens.

Kind regards,

[Vaše meno/Vaše jméno]

Dear Hon. Justin Muturi, Attorney General of Kenya,

We, the undersigned, stand in unity to defend religious freedom in Kenya and implore you to put an end to the impending taxation of churches. Kenya's rich history of religious diversity has allowed for spiritual guidance, moral values, and community support to flourish, and taxing churches could hinder their ability to exercise religious freedom.

Recent court rulings have upheld the tax-exempt status of churches, recognizing that tithes, offerings, and donations are not a form of income subjected to taxation. Despite these rulings, activists continue to attack the church and push for taxation, threatening the vital role of churches in Kenyan society.

Churches provide immense economic and social value to their communities, offering essential services such as food, shelter, and clothing to those in need. Studies have shown that churches contribute significantly to local economies, and taxing them would only serve to diminish their positive impact.

Moreover, allowing government control of the church could lead to politicians abusing their power and attempting to redefine religious doctrine, resulting in a dangerous infringement on religious freedom. We must learn from history and not allow political agendas to meddle in spiritual matters.

We urge you, Hon. Justin Muturi, to uphold the constitutional interest of protecting churches from government control and taxation. Please take action to ensure that religious freedom in Kenya remains intact and that churches can continue to serve their communities without unnecessary financial burdens.

Kind regards,

[Vaše meno/Vaše jméno]