London City Council deciding to ban pro-life speech on public streets.
Demand London’s City Councilors Do NOT Ban Life-Saving Speech & Charter Rights
Demand London’s City Councilors Do NOT Ban Life-Saving Speech & Charter Rights
The pro-life message and the rights to Free Speech and Expression are under attack in the City of London, Ontario.
On December 5, London City Councilors Hadleigh McAlister and Sam Trosow forwarded a motion to the city's Community and Protective Services Committee to expand the controversial "Graphic Image Delivery By-law" to include all public images of unborn children banned from public view.
They want to ban abortion victim photography images from the streets, as they are used to reveal the stark reality of abortion to the general public.
These images spark public conversation and debate, resulting in life-saving decisions that save countless unborn lives.
Councilors McAlister and Trosow want to ban them from being used on public streets to prevent pro-lifers from using their freedom of speech and expression to reveal the horrible truth and grim reality of abortion.
Because they're "graphic" and might upset someone.
But isn't that the point of free speech? To stir up feelings, provoke thought, challenge beliefs?
Councilor Trosow seems to think otherwise.
He even admitted that the expansion to ban these images infringes upon our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
As Trosow stated to the committee, "If the people that are portraying these graphic images say it constitutes a limitation of their expression, yes it certainly does."
Both Councilors McAlister and Trosow know they're in the wrong, especially Trosow because he's an associate law professor at Western University!
Blaise Alleyne from the Canadian Centre of Bioethical Reform (CCBR) argues that this amendment violates one's right to express oneself freely on a multitude of issues, including abortion.
Alleyne has stated how similar victim photos, such as those used "on a wide variety of issues, whether it's animal rights groups, or human trafficking or the conflict in the Middle East."
Being offended or upset by an image is not a valid reason to limit anyone's freedom of expression or speech.
No provision within the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or Canadian law states that one has the "right" not to be offended or disturbed.
As Jordan Peterson rightly stated in his viral 2018 Channel 4 Interview, "In order to be able to think, you need to risk being offensive."
We must stand together and raise our voices so the London City Council cannot afford to ignore our outcry.
If this fight is lost, London City Council will set a dangerous precedent that declares it is acceptable to censor the TRUTH from the public eye.
With your help, we can defend the freedoms needed to the truth, no matter how grim it may be, so that hearts and minds can be changed regarding unborn human beings.
Sign the petition today and demand that Mayor Josh Morgan and the City Councilors of London, Ontario, reject this authoritarian amendment.
Ontario city officials could ban abortion victim photographs on public property
Councillors seek ban on displaying images of fetuses on London streets