Chick-fil-A: Don’t cave! Stay true to your values!



Chick-fil-A: Don’t cave! Stay true to your values!

Chick-fil-A: Don’t cave! Stay true to your values!

16.278 podpisov. Dosiahnime spoločne 20.000!

For decades Chick-fil-A has faced incredible cultural persecution for holding Christians values. They’ve been picketed, protested, slandered, and even vandalized by LGBTQ activists. Recently the first Chick-Fil-A in the U.K. was on the brink of being shut down after violent protests.

Tragically, it seems Chick-fil-A felt it had no choice but to cave these violent extreme leftists. This week the company announced it would no longer donate to several organizations that hold to the Christian view of marriage. This is a tragedy. For years Chick-fil-A has stood alone in corporate America as a true Christian business that affirms Christian values.

Please sign this petition to Chick-Fil-A urging them not to give in to the violent pressures of the LGBTQ lobby, but to stay true to their values.

To be clear: We love, admire, and support Chick-fil-A. Their conduct, kindness, and professionalism cannot be matched.

What we are seeing here is one of our own being taken down by the other side. That’s why it is so important to stand up for Chick-Fil-A now and exhort them not to give in to the culture!

The charitable foundation set up by Chick-fil-A does extremely worthwhile work to help with economic mobility of young people by focusing on homeless and poverty, education and community revitalization, yet because they have no political or social agenda and do not celebrate LGBTQ ideology, activists have branded them hateful and wish to shut Chick-fil-A down. 

Please help encourage this business to stay true to who they are! Tell Chick-fil-A not to cave to the culture!!

16.278 podpisov. Dosiahnime spoločne 20.000!

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Don’t cave! Stay true to your values!

Dear Chick-fil-A,

For decades, you have faced incredible cultural persecution for holding Christians values. You’ve been picketed, protested, slandered, and even vandalized by LGBTQ activists. 

I am writing to you to let you know that you don't need to feel like you have no other options. We urge you not to forsake your Christian values. 

Your corporate giving says so much about who you are. Please tell the world that you are a Christian company by continuing to donate to Christian organizations that stand true to the Bible.


[Vaše meno/Vaše jméno]

Don’t cave! Stay true to your values!

Dear Chick-fil-A,

For decades, you have faced incredible cultural persecution for holding Christians values. You’ve been picketed, protested, slandered, and even vandalized by LGBTQ activists. 

I am writing to you to let you know that you don't need to feel like you have no other options. We urge you not to forsake your Christian values. 

Your corporate giving says so much about who you are. Please tell the world that you are a Christian company by continuing to donate to Christian organizations that stand true to the Bible.


[Vaše meno/Vaše jméno]