A Humanitarian Appeal from the Patriarchs of Syria to the International Conscience and the Concerned Countries
Lift the International Sanctions on Syria
Lift the International Sanctions on Syria
On the 23rd of August, the three Patriarchs of Syria, Gregorius III Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch, Ignatius Aphrem II Syriac Orthodox Patriarch and John X Greek Orthodox Patriarch, released a common appeal asking the international community to stop the international sanctions on Syria.
Since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, in 2011, the economic and financial sanctions increased the impact on the daily lives of Syrian citizens, a huge burden which actually deepened the suffering of the Syrian people.
The sanctions represent another aspect of the crisis and have resulted in more pressure on individuals, institutions, companies, and consequently on the entire people.
The absence of new investment, a ban on international flights to Syria, a significant reduction in exports, and the blacklisting of some Syrian companies are all economic measures which have increased the isolation of Syria from the international community.
The closing of embassies and the withdrawal of their employees limit diplomatic relations and the foreign interaction of Syria with other countries.
Moreover, the ban on international banking transactions with Syria puts the people in financial difficulty, impoverishing citizens and depriving them of their human dignity.
And, as the local currency loses its value, the basic goods prices increase, impacting the whole of everyday life.
Although the main goals of imposing these sanctions are political, nevertheless, they touch the life of the entire Syrian people, especially the poor and working class who struggle to find food and medicines.
Despite this crisis, however, the Syrian people resolutely face this crisis, even as the social situation gets worse and worse, and even though the poverty and suffering of the Syrian people have only increased. The international community must stop the sanctions, before the death of a nation occurs.