We Oppose Biden's Mandatory Vaccine Plan



We Oppose Biden's Mandatory Vaccine Plan

We Oppose Biden's Mandatory Vaccine Plan

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Photo: President Joe Biden delivers remarks on vaccination program on August 23, 2021, in Washington, DC (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Joe Biden is doubling down on his vaccination push. Get vaccinated or else. But the consequences are severe for families in this joyous time of year. Many with religious objections are pitted against the principles of their faith.  

That’s why we are asking you to take thirty seconds to sign our petition against Biden’s forced vaccination plan.                                                                                                                                                                           

What do we know so far?

  • Vaccine mandates for teachers and kids over 12 are forcing parents to remove their children from the classroom and placing them at risk of falling behind. 
  • College students are being booted from school, even after paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition, books, and room and board towards higher education. One of the news stories just this week came out of Virginia Tech. 
  • The vaccination mandate is tearing apart military ranks. A new report indicates that unvaccinated Navy Seals could face blocked from serving our country under Biden’s directives.
  • The U.S. government under Joe Biden will not allow for a religious exemption to be claimed under the vaccine mandate.  

Some families are concerned about what will happen with their jobs after the Christmas break or will their child be allowed to return to the classroom. You can help by signing the petition.

Add your name: No to Joe Biden’s mandatory vaccination plan.

Critics may say that petition signers are anti-vaxers and anti-life. That we are dumb and uneducated. That’s just media nonsense.

Many petition signers have made the personal choice to get vaccinated. Others wear masks in public and focus on social distancing. It’s absurd to assume that someone who opposes the vaccine for religious reasons wants to make personal choices to put others at risk.

The petition isn’t anti-vax or anti-life. It’s about trusting people to make the best choices for their families. 

Sign the petition against Joe Biden’s mandatory vaccination plan forcing children out of the classroom, discharging members of the armed services, and firing workers. Sign the petition, which will be sent to Biden, letting him know that the American people disagree with forced vaccinations. 


For more information:

Biden's vaccine mandate will decimate our military


Virginia Tech disenrolls students over COVID-19 vaccine mandate


LA school district enrollment drops by 27,000 students amid COVID vaccine mandates for teachers, kids over 12


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PETITION: No to your vaccine mandate.

Your COVID-19 vaccine mandate plan is dividing families. Americans should not have to be forced to decide between their religious values and keeping their jobs or remaining in school.

I am against your vaccine mandate. Stop using the pandemic to force employers to terminate unvaccinated employees and push students out of the classroom.

[Seu nome]

PETITION: No to your vaccine mandate.

Your COVID-19 vaccine mandate plan is dividing families. Americans should not have to be forced to decide between their religious values and keeping their jobs or remaining in school.

I am against your vaccine mandate. Stop using the pandemic to force employers to terminate unvaccinated employees and push students out of the classroom.

[Seu nome]