Toronto School Board Promoting anti-life, anti-family, and pro-censorship speaker.
Demand TCDSB Removes Mitzie Hunter From Women's Event Speaker
Demand TCDSB Removes Mitzie Hunter From Women's Event Speaker
Former Ontario MPP and Education Minister Mitzie Hunter is scheduled to headline the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Women's Affinity Group January 16th event.
She is the same Mitzie Hunter with a long history of voting in favor of anti-family, anti-life laws.
Ms. Hunter not only helped pass Bill 163, Ontario's Bubble Zone Law, which gags pro-life voices within a 150-meter radius of abortion clinics, but also publicly supported the Wynne/Ford sex education curriculum, developed by convicted child pedophile Benjamin Levin, and is currently being taught to sexualize children within Ontario's public schools.
Because of these accomplishments and for holding the provincial cabinet position as Education Minister under Premier Kathleen Wynne, the TCDSB rewarded Hunter for her terrible actions by promoting her as a "positive" role model for aspiring female leaders.
Her public support for Ontario's current sex education played a vital role in starting the erasure of women.
It emboldened the LGBT community's attacks against the universal truth that there are only men and women.
All under the guise of "education" to push gender ideology and radical sexual education within our children's schools.
Is this the kind of "empowerment" one should expect out of a Catholic institution tasked with educating bright young minds be promoting?
Absolutely not!
Sacrificing another person's life because they are deemed as "unwanted" persons, violating children's innate innocence by sexualizing them by teaching the fabricated lies of gender theory and identity, and squashing acts of charity that come out of love to help others during times of crisis are not the qualities of a moral or just leader.
These qualities go against fundamental guaranteed human rights, Catholic social teaching, and genuine actions of charity, kindness, and empathy towards others, including those you disagree with the most.
Let alone being promoted by a supposedly "Catholic" institution.
Mitzie Hunter does not reflect the values that a Catholic school board should uphold. We need to tell the TCDSB that Ms. Hunter does not embody any of these qualities that make a "good" moral leader, especially one worthy of being promoted by a "Catholic" school board.
With enough voices against the TCDSB promoting Mitzie Hunter, the board will have to find a speaker who embodies the values of a "Catholic" leader or else have to face canceling the event altogether.
They can't afford yet another scandal, especially when dealing with constant backlash and parental opposition to the perverse Wynne/Ford sex education curriculum.
The stakes are high, and time is running out.
If we don't act now, the TCDSB will continue promoting radical ideologies under the guise of "Catholic" values and continue to think they can get away with it.
We must act now and hold the TCDSB accountable for betraying our values of life, family, and freedom!
Please stand with us in demanding the removal of Mitzie Hunter as a speaker at the TCDSB's Women's Affinity Group event. Sign the petition today!
Toronto Catholic school board invites pro-abortion politician as keynote speaker for women's event