Prayer for the Holy Spirit for Russia and Ukraine and neighbours

Adresat/Adresaci petycji: Christian Churchs in eastern slavic lands


Prayer for the Holy Spirit for Russia and Ukraine and neighbours

Prayer for the Holy Spirit for Russia and Ukraine and neighbours

23.998 hebben getekend. Laten we streven naar 50.000!


For over a year the situation in eastern slavic lands is not to be envied. The abuse and violence is widespread, blood of people is being shed, the death toll keeps rising to thousands.

People, who suffer most, have nothing to do with politics. Facing the bloody civil war that involves heavy loss of life they don’t think about historical justice, centuries of harm and profits. All they worry about is how to save their families, children and their loved ones. They want to end this hatred of one man to the other.

There are thousands of voices around us speaking out loud the truth, although we all know that during similar incidents both sides in the conflict care more about profits than a truth and justice.

There is one thing that is certain - a inter- communal violence between people. Human being kills another child of God. Christian kills another Christian. Nations related by history, culture and language are bleeding out each other. This should never happen  in our history.

In this matter, Christian leaders agree. These are the words of Pope Francis- head of Catholic Church: “Once again my thought goes to the beloved Ukrainian people. Unfortunately, the situation is worsening and the opposition between the sides is getting graver. We pray, first of all, for the victims, among whom there are many civilians, and for their families, and we pray to the Lord that this horrible fratricidal violence will end soonest. I renew my heartbroken appeal that every effort be made – also at the international level – for the resumption of dialogue, the only possible way to bring about peace and concord in that martyred land. ”Brothers and sisters when I hear the words “victory” or “defeat” I feel great pain and sadness. They are not the right words,” he said. “The only right word is peace. This is the only right word.” I think about you, Ukrainian brothers and sisters, and I think that this is a war among Christians! You have the same baptism, and you're fighting among Christians. Think about this, this scandal." We all have to pray.
Prayer is our protest before God in times of war.”

In 2014 patriarch Kirill, head of Russian Orthodox Church said: "Today, we have to pray, so there will be never a military conflict between brothers. So brothers of one Faith and one blood never clash with each other in terrifying unreasonable war bringing only death and destruction on innocent people.
The truth is that in fratricidal fight there are no winners, and political goals cannot be more important than people lives and safety.

In circumstances like these, when we don’t really know what to do and how to face the facts the one thing that we have to do- pray. Pray according to the words of Jesus “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Mt 18, 19-20

This is the reason why this action of all Christians everyday prayer for the Holy Spirit for Eastern Slavic Nations has been brought to life.This is not a political action and it has not been created to judge any of the sides of this conflict either to pray for a victory for anyone.
-That is why a Prayer for the Holy Spirit-with his help everything will happen all by the will of God, which is the best of possibilities.

To become a part of these work of prayer if you are Catholic pray a decade of Rosary every day for this intention, prayer Cariu Niebiesnyj three times – if you are Orthodox or just three times Our Father if you are Protestant.
If you have no religious belief, just have this intention in your heart.
We encourage everyone - with your free will -  to fast because as Jesus says there are kinds of demons does not go out except by prayer and fasting.(Mark 9,28-29)
This is simple but important action.
You can join us simply by signing this petition. Message with your declaration will be sent to significant Christian Church representatives from countries involved in this conflict as a sign of encouragement from us.

Share this with as many people as you can so the number of signatures and praying brothers and sisters rises. This is to show that we can unite together in hard times and that we remember about people suffering and dying not far away from us.

Deze petitie is aangemaakt door een burger of organisatie die niet verbonden is met CitizenGO. CitizenGO is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud.
23.998 hebben getekend. Laten we streven naar 50.000!

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Adresat/Adresaci petycji: Christian Churchs in eastern slavic lands

Dear brothers in Christ!

Since a longer time we can observe how you, our neighbours, struggle with a matter which is difficult for you as well as for us - the Ukrainian conflict in which hundrets of people die, tension and conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, which instantly draws the attention of other nations.

We can see how in this war, where many political games take place, where nations united by many elements of common history and culture destroy each other, ordinary people who have nothing to do with great politics and somebody else’s interests, die, suffer and live in poverty.

We hear different versions of truth everywhere,  and everyone is saying that he is right - it is easy for an ordinary man to get lost.  Know that we are not indifferent to that: know that we remember about you. WE direct our thoughts towards you, no matter whether we are Catholic, Orthodox or even of a different denomination, we pray every day that the Holy Spirit may come upon Russia and Ukraine, for the ones involved in the conflict, believing that this gift will cause everything to follow God’s will - which is the best variant.

We want everything to turn out the best way possible. This is why we have arranged this prayer as a delight for you, Christians or not.
Do not lose hope!

[Jouw naam]

Adresat/Adresaci petycji: Christian Churchs in eastern slavic lands

Dear brothers in Christ!

Since a longer time we can observe how you, our neighbours, struggle with a matter which is difficult for you as well as for us - the Ukrainian conflict in which hundrets of people die, tension and conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, which instantly draws the attention of other nations.

We can see how in this war, where many political games take place, where nations united by many elements of common history and culture destroy each other, ordinary people who have nothing to do with great politics and somebody else’s interests, die, suffer and live in poverty.

We hear different versions of truth everywhere,  and everyone is saying that he is right - it is easy for an ordinary man to get lost.  Know that we are not indifferent to that: know that we remember about you. WE direct our thoughts towards you, no matter whether we are Catholic, Orthodox or even of a different denomination, we pray every day that the Holy Spirit may come upon Russia and Ukraine, for the ones involved in the conflict, believing that this gift will cause everything to follow God’s will - which is the best variant.

We want everything to turn out the best way possible. This is why we have arranged this prayer as a delight for you, Christians or not.
Do not lose hope!

[Jouw naam]