Tell GQ to Apologize for Listing The Bible as One of the Most Overrated Books Ever

Petition to: GQ


Tell GQ to Apologize for Listing The Bible as One of the Most Overrated Books Ever

Tell GQ to Apologize for Listing The Bible as One of the Most Overrated Books Ever

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GQ magazine has reached a new low. On April 21st, the publication released an article listing the “21 Books You Don’t Have to Read.” The list included titles like Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and The Lord of the Rings. The editors also included the Bible, stating, "Those who have read it know there are some good parts, but overall it is certainly not the finest thing that man has ever produced. It is repetitive, self-contradictory, sententious, foolish, and even at times ill-intentioned. The article recommends The Notebook, by Agota Kristof, as an alternative to the Bible.

It’s one thing for GQ’s editors and authors to not share the faith of the majority of the country, but it is quite another for them to attack the Holy Scriptures as “overrated," especially given the fact that the publication would never dare to do the same to the Koran, the sacred texts for Islam.

Rev. Franklin Graham wrote about the GQ article on Facebook. He explained, “Recent estimates put the number that have been distributed since 1815 at more than 5 BILLION copies—and over 100 million are printed every year! The Holy Bible is God-breathed, it is living and active, and it is sharper than a double-edged sword.” Graham continued, “There’s nothing more powerful, and there’s nothing more needed by mankind than the Word of God. Maybe the GQ editors need to read it, again. The subject of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is Jesus Christ; and, one day soon, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord.”

As reported in the 2018 Movieguide Report to the Entertainment Industry, a Barna study found that 80% of American adults consider the Bible to be “sacred text.” In addition to that, more than 50% of Americans believe the Bible is the “actual or inspired Word of God, with no errors.”

The positive impact of the Bible on civilization is unparalleled by any other text.

We are calling on GQ to pull the Bible from their list of “overrated” books. GQ should also apologize to Christians for this incredibly insulting decision.

Please sign this petition to GQ’s editor-in-chief, Jim Nelson!

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Apologize for Listing The Bible as One of the Most Overrated Books Ever

Dear Jim Nelson, editor-in-chief of GQ magazine,

Thank you for reading this letter. I know that you attended a Catholic High School and University, so I hope that you will understand  my concern.

I am deeply disturbed by GQ’s decision to include the Bible, a sacred religious text, on a list of the “21 Books You Don’t Have to Read.”

The Bible is an important book for billions of people around the world. Its impact on their lives is anything but “overrated.” According to Bible Gateway, which receives 180 million unique visitors each day, the top words searched for in the Bible are “Love,” “Faith,” “Peace,” “Hope,” and “Joy.” This is undeniably positive. Our world needs more of each of these.

Please don’t deter your readers from exploring the Bible for themselves, to discover the love, faith, peace, hope, and joy that so many others have found. Furthermore, please apologize to the members of your audience who ascribe to a faith based on the Bible.

If you value your readers, you will immediately remove the Bible from your list and release an apology to all Bible believing people.

[Il tuo nome]

Apologize for Listing The Bible as One of the Most Overrated Books Ever

Dear Jim Nelson, editor-in-chief of GQ magazine,

Thank you for reading this letter. I know that you attended a Catholic High School and University, so I hope that you will understand  my concern.

I am deeply disturbed by GQ’s decision to include the Bible, a sacred religious text, on a list of the “21 Books You Don’t Have to Read.”

The Bible is an important book for billions of people around the world. Its impact on their lives is anything but “overrated.” According to Bible Gateway, which receives 180 million unique visitors each day, the top words searched for in the Bible are “Love,” “Faith,” “Peace,” “Hope,” and “Joy.” This is undeniably positive. Our world needs more of each of these.

Please don’t deter your readers from exploring the Bible for themselves, to discover the love, faith, peace, hope, and joy that so many others have found. Furthermore, please apologize to the members of your audience who ascribe to a faith based on the Bible.

If you value your readers, you will immediately remove the Bible from your list and release an apology to all Bible believing people.

[Il tuo nome]