Stop Tax-funded Gender Change Clinic in Ottawa
Say 'No' to Irreversible Transgender Surgeries For Youth
Say 'No' to Irreversible Transgender Surgeries For Youth
The Ottawa Hospital recently announced it's expanding the new "gender affirming surgery" clinic, which launched in September last year, to include now more irreversible, taxpayer-funded surgeries for gender-confused individuals, including young people.
Procedures like mastectomies, breast construction, vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, and facial alterations are all designed to make one's physical appearance "match" his or her desired "gender."
This new clinic works directly with the Ottawa-based Centretown Community Health Centre's Trans Health Program and the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario's (CHEO) Gender Diversity Clinic to refer patients as young as 18 or younger to undergo these physically destructive surgeries.
CHEO's website states it will happily accept referrals from non-medical professionals, including school guidance counselorswho think a child should consider undergoing these devastating surgeries.
The catastrophic effects of these surgeries are apparent with the growing community of detransitioners warning others not to undergo medical gender transitions.
In December, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) acknowledged this to be the case, given the increasing medical and psychological help detransitioners need once they snapped out of the woke delusions sowed by the LGBT agenda.
The Journal of Homosexuality reported, in a 2022 publication, that the average age of "transitioning" age was around 17 years old.
It also revealed the "transgenderism" spell does not last long.
Upon reaching the age of 22, individuals regret their decision and begin to detransition back into their born sex.
In light of these startling facts, and considering the role Ottawa Hospital's expanded "gender-affirming" clinic is playing in partnering with organizations impacting children and youth, it's even more critical that we act now.
By signing the petition, you can help us fight for our children's physical, mental, and emotional safety from these surgeries' irreversible, life-long consequences.
The Post Millennial: Ottawa hospital now offering genital sex change surgeries
LifeSiteNews: Ottawa Hospital announces new transgender mutilation facility
True North: Parents concerned as Ottawa Hospital opens sex change surgery clinic
The Ottawa Hospital: New gender-affirming surgery clinic now accepting patients
LifeSiteNews: Elite medical body finally acknowledges the damaging effects of ‘gender transitions’
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP): The role of psychiatrists in working with Trans and Gender Diverse people
CHEO: Gender Diversity Clinic
Weekly Canadian Gender Wars Report: Hey Kid, Want Some Candy? Shocking Arrest of Pride Prez & New Ottawa Gender Clinic Soaks Taxpayers (Starts at 24:30 minute mark, discussing the Ottawa gender clinic)
Journal of Homosexuality: Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey