Preserve Children's Innocence - Stop Forcing Gender Disinformation on Children
Toronto School Board: DON’T Send Kids to Inappropriate Roseneath Theatre Productions
Toronto School Board: DON’T Send Kids to Inappropriate Roseneath Theatre Productions
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) has been caught out once again for promoting anti-family values.
This time, the board's Superintendent of Education, Indigenous Education, Equity, and Community Relations, Roy Fernandes, is touting a play that undermines our children's innocence and mental well-being.
The play he is prompting is called "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls," which tells the story of a young girl who believes she's "a boy" and undergoes a gender transition to become "a boy."
The Roseneath Theatre, set to tour this controversial play in March, openly markets the production as an educational tool that teaches "empathy, respect, and integrity" to young, impressionable minds.
The play's themes of "Gender, Identity, Diversity, and Equity" are directly derived from LGBT ideologies, which directly conflict with the values and beliefs one would expect at a "Catholic" school board, founded on Christian values and beliefs, to be promoting.
The play aims to confuse children about their gender.
It actively promotes the dangerous lie that someone can be "born into the wrong biological sex."
These false ideas can lead to lifelong confusion and mental health issues for our children.
It's no wonder younger generations struggle to adapt to adulthood when our schools prioritize radical ideologies over fundamental education and prioritize telling woke lies over universal truths, including undeniable truth children intuitively already know:
Humanity and society only consist of biological MALES and FEMALES.
It is sinister that places like the Roseneath Theatre use the guise of "youth theatres," telling parents it exists to instill a love for the performance arts.
This "fact" could not be further from reality!
With a detailed look at the theatre's website, it becomes clear the Roseneath Theatre only exists to mentally and emotionally harm our children through the promotion of radically woke ideologies, including the "values" held by sex-obsessed social justice activists.
Our children's innocence and mental well-being are at stake.
It's time to fight back and protect our children from the TCDSB's and Roseneath Theatre's war against our kids' childhoods and innocence.
TAKE ACTION NOW to send a clear message to the TCDSB Chair Nancy Crawford, Vice-Chair Markus de Domenico, and TCDSB trustees NOT to promote Roseneath Theatre productions while also demanding the youth theatre STOPS subjecting children to radical ideologies that inflict mental and emotional trauma and confusion upon our kids.
More information:
LifeSiteNews: Toronto Catholic school board promotes play about a young girl who ‘transitions’ in an email to staff
Roseneath Theatre webpage describing the play
Relaxed Guide for the play