Student suspended after posting Bible verses, while “pride” flags are allowed to fly

Petition to: Lebanon High School


Student suspended after posting Bible verses, while “pride” flags are allowed to fly

Student suspended after posting Bible verses, while “pride” flags are allowed to fly

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23 348 aláírás. A következő cél: 50 000!

Last week, Gabby Helsinger was suspended by Lebanon Public High School in Ohio. Why? Because she posted Bible verses around her high school campus.

Gabby says she noticed gay pride flags posted around the high school on Thursday, and she decided to post the Bible verses around the school to share the word of God and bring light to her school.

Later that day, she saw teachers taking down the Bible verses. On Friday, she was given an in-school suspension for her actions. In the decision, the school stated that posting the Bible verses was “abuse of others, disrespect, [and] rudeness.” The school said that Gabby’s actions “targeted” the Gay-Straight Alliance club, but Gabby says that the verses were in no way meant to attack others.

Gabby’s mother, Tina Helsinger, appealed the decision, but Lebanon High School’s Principal, Scott Butler, is standing behind his decision. Tina is asking concerned citizens to write to the Butler and Assistant Principal, Butch Ferrero, to expresses their outrage over this decision.

When you sign this petition, your email will be sent directly to Scott Butler and Butch Ferrero’s email addresses. Help us encourage them to reverse this decision and defend the free speech rights of Gabby and other Christian students!

050 000
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23 348 aláírás. A következő cél: 50 000!


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Withdraw Gabby Helsinger's Suspension

Dear Principal Scott Butler and Assistant Principal Butch Ferrero,

I am writing to express my concern over your decision to give an in-school suspension to Gabby Helsinger. Earlier this month, Gabby posted Bible verses around the school. She posted these verses after she noticed gay pride flags posted throughout the halls of the school.

Instead of supporting Gabby’s freedom to express her beliefs, teachers immediately removed the Bible verses and Gabby was given an in-school suspension for her actions. The school declared that her actions were “abuse of others, disrespect, [and] rudeness.” Posting Bible verses to express her deeply held religious beliefs is not abuse, hateful, or rude.

I encourage you to immediately withdraw this decision and issue an apology to Gabby and other Christian students at your school.

[az Ön neve]

Withdraw Gabby Helsinger's Suspension

Dear Principal Scott Butler and Assistant Principal Butch Ferrero,

I am writing to express my concern over your decision to give an in-school suspension to Gabby Helsinger. Earlier this month, Gabby posted Bible verses around the school. She posted these verses after she noticed gay pride flags posted throughout the halls of the school.

Instead of supporting Gabby’s freedom to express her beliefs, teachers immediately removed the Bible verses and Gabby was given an in-school suspension for her actions. The school declared that her actions were “abuse of others, disrespect, [and] rudeness.” Posting Bible verses to express her deeply held religious beliefs is not abuse, hateful, or rude.

I encourage you to immediately withdraw this decision and issue an apology to Gabby and other Christian students at your school.

[az Ön neve]