Teen Vogue Must Stop Promoting Sexual Activity to Teens!

Petition to: Jamie Marsanico


Teen Vogue Must Stop Promoting Sexual Activity to Teens!

Teen Vogue Must Stop Promoting Sexual Activity to Teens!

45.928 firmado. Vamos a lograr 50.000!

UPDATE: August 29, 2019 - Today's TeenVogue.com headline story reads: "Having Sex When You Fat: Tips on Positions, Props and Preparations." This article is an irresponsible and incomprehensible attempt to sexualize and exploit the minds of its young teen and tween readers during what should be a protected period of innocence.

Written by "certified sex educator" Elle Chase, the guide provides teens with "tips on how to have the best sex possible, and how you can feel powerful doing it."Interspersed throughout the article are links to "safer sex" including "How to Have Safer Sex If You're Queer," Planned Parenthood's contraception options including "the morning after pill," and links to Teen Vogue's dozens of other sex-related articles for its young readers.Described as "the premiere destination for the young and unapologetic" and with 20 million social followers, we must let Teen Vogue know that we will not stand for continual sexualized assault on teens and tweens. Please, help us shut this farce of a teen publication down once and for all.#SayNOToTeenVogue. Please, sign our petition now. Clearly, they care more about their own exploitive agenda than they do about our kids

UPDATE: September 20, 2018 - Huge Victory!! Since Enough Is Enough (EIE) launched the "Say No To TeenVogue" campaign in July 2017 calling out the national publication for its graphic “how to” guide on anal sex directed at its tween/tween readers, there's been a change at the helm!

 EIE’s online petition requesting Teen Vogue remove the article, "Anal Sex: What You Need to Know/How to Do it the Right Way, generated nearly 30,000 signatures going directly into the e-mail in- boxes of Teen Vogue’s andVogue’s editors and Conde Nast’s Board of Directors calling for the dismissal of magazine editors. SINCE THEN ... the magazine ceased its print edition and its editor-in-chief Elaine Welteroth and its digital editor, Philip Picardi, responsible for the content, are no longer on staff. Further, the New York Times recently reported deep financial loss for its publisher to the tune of $120 million. While the impact of the editors' departure cannot be overstated, our work is not done until this article, representing a blatant disregard for the innocence and physical and mental well being of our children, is removed and the magazine is held accountable for exploiting the dignity and innocence of our youth. 

Parents, Beware of Teen Vogue's Sex Advice for Your Kids

The line has been crossed! We need you to speak on behalf of our youth and say NO to Teen Vogue. Teens must never be the target of a mainstream teen focused media publication’s desire to offer up an unsolicited “how-to” sex guide encouraging its young readers to explore anal sex or any type of sexual activity for that matter!

Instead of publishing the standard cocktail of fashion must-haves, beauty tips and celebrity worship features designed for its millions of teen and tween readers, Teen Vogue.com  recently decided it was in the best interest of children to publish a jaw dropping article instructing teen and pre-teen youth on how to have so called “safe anal sex.”

In response, CitizenGO is partnering with Enough Is Enough in a call to action to “say no to Teen Vogue.” (#SayNoToTeenVogue)

Please stand with us as we oppose the recent article in Teen Vogue Anal Sex: What You Need to Know/How to Do it the Right Way.

Each time the petition is signed, an email will be sent on behalf of the signer to editors at TeenVogue.com.

Below are excerpts from Enough Is Enough’s President Donna Rice Hughes recently published article. “Parents Beware: Teen Vogue’s Sex Advice for your Kids. http://www.christianpost.com/news/parents-beware-teen-vogues-sex-advice-for-your-kids-192254/

This “Anal Sex 101” how to on teenvogue.com is troubling on many levels.

It is irresponsible for the popular and mainstream teen fashion magazine to promote sexual activity of any kind. Most parents want to and should be the primary source for teaching their children about healthy sexuality.

Given the article's placement in the magazine's "Sexual Health" section, this supposed safe instruction, "anal 101" how-to guide fails to mention the health risks associated with anal sex, which carries the highest risk of transmitting HIV, according to the CDC.

The author goes on to explain in a lengthy and very provocative way — surely to spark interest in pre-teen and teens, both male, female and anyone in between — "Why anal? Anal sex, though often stigmatized and shamed, is a perfectly natural way to engage in sexual activity. People have been having anal sex since the dawn of humanity."

To all concerned, please heed this warning: in our current pornified culture of anything goes, don't assume that popular magazines or websites are safe. In fact, it's better to assume that many are not.

Please take a moment to sign our petition to say no to Teen Vogue. This petition will go directly to the editors of Teen Vogue who decided it was in our teens’ best interest to explore anal sex. Help preserve the innocence of our youth!

To continue reading Donna Rice Hughes’ article on Christian Post, click this link: http://www.christianpost.com/news/parents-beware-teen-vogues-sex-advice-for-your-kids-192254/

We also encourage parents to check out the Resource Center at Enough Is Enough’s websites for more information, enough.org and internetsafety101.org.

Esta petición ha sido creada por un ciudadano o una organización independiente de CitizenGO. CitizenGO no se hace responsable de su contenido.
45.928 firmado. Vamos a lograr 50.000!

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Petition to: Jamie Marsanico

It is irresponsible for the popular and mainstream teen fashion magazine to promote sexual activity of any kind, much less encourage an unhealthy sex practice like anal sex. Please respect that most parents want to and should be the primary source for teaching their children about healthy sexuality.

I will boycott Teen Vogue until this article is retracted and these types of articles cease to be published. Enough Is Enough! 

[Tu nombre]

Petition to: Jamie Marsanico

It is irresponsible for the popular and mainstream teen fashion magazine to promote sexual activity of any kind, much less encourage an unhealthy sex practice like anal sex. Please respect that most parents want to and should be the primary source for teaching their children about healthy sexuality.

I will boycott Teen Vogue until this article is retracted and these types of articles cease to be published. Enough Is Enough! 

[Tu nombre]