Protect Podcast Freedom: Say "NO!" to CRTC Registration

Keep Podcasting Freedom In Canada


Protect Podcast Freedom: Say "NO!" to CRTC Registration

Protect Podcast Freedom: Say "NO!" to CRTC Registration

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They're coming for our podcasts!

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) wants to regulate all podcasts within Canada.

The CRTC stated that their new guidelines regarding podcasts target individuals hosting podcasts on their own websites or subscription platforms and "are not explicitly excluded from the Broadcasting Act."

This includes large independent creators, labeling them as "media services" when their privately owned websites or subscriber base generates an annual revenue of $10 million dollars or more.

These creators will be required to register with the federal institution.

There is no denying the power podcasts have in today's world, especially when they have become essential for sharing and discussing various topics impacting our world.

Through the regulation podcasts via the CRTC, Canadians will have fewer opinions and voices on key public debates and issues.

Censoring who can speak on the Internet through podcasts will force Canadians to listen to government-approved sources, serving the ideological interests of those in power. 

Plus, there are no guarantees that Canadians will NOT BE cut off from international podcasts if they make $10 million Canadian or more. 

One can reasonably assume each would need to register with the CRTC to “broadcast” on the Internet here in Canada.

If enough Canadians voice their demands for the content they want to see and listen to, the CRTC will have to listen. They must be reminded that they are here to serve all Canadians and our interests. 

They must respect our podcast choices and provide us access to the content we choose to enjoy.

We must act quickly, though, as the CRTC is closing podcast registration on November 28, 2023. You will likely lose access to your favorite podcasts after the registration deadline!

Sign the petition now, and let's ensure all podcasters can share and publish their content to all Canadians without being forced to register with the CRTC.


CRTC will require podcasts, online streaming to register with gov

Michael Geist: Podcast registry or online censorship scheme? The CRTC has started rolling out new streaming rules

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Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Section 2(d), Freedom of Association

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Section 2(b), Freedom of Expression 

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Protect Podcast Freedom, Scrap Regulation Through Registration

Dear CRTC Chairperson and CEO Vicky Eatrides, and Vice-Chairpersons Alicia Barin and Adam Scott,

I call upon you to scrap the proposed regulation of all podcasts within Canada.

I am deeply concerned about the impact government-directed regulation will have on the podcast offerings available to all Canadians.

The Online Streaming Act (Bill C-11) will affect not only big tech platforms that provide podcasts, like Spotify, Apple, and YouTube, but also independent creators who generate an annual revenue of $10 million or more.

This regulation will stifle freedom of expression, a fundamental right guaranteed to all Canadians. The lines between "content creators" and "online services that offer podcasts" are blurred, resulting in a restrictive environment for podcasters, including our own Canadian ones.

It also limits Canadians' exposure to varied and comprehensive programming, by cutting access to international podcasts. This would isolate us from diverse perspectives on global issues.

Controlling the voices of independent creators stands counter to our democratic values, including the freedom of speech, expression, and association as found within the Charter.

This directive contradicts the CRTC's mandate, emphasizing the importance of a balanced mix of information, enlightenment, and entertainment.

I urge you to protect Canadians' freedom of expression and association. Stand up for democratic values and reject the regulation of Canadians' podcasts.


[Tu nombre]

Protect Podcast Freedom, Scrap Regulation Through Registration

Dear CRTC Chairperson and CEO Vicky Eatrides, and Vice-Chairpersons Alicia Barin and Adam Scott,

I call upon you to scrap the proposed regulation of all podcasts within Canada.

I am deeply concerned about the impact government-directed regulation will have on the podcast offerings available to all Canadians.

The Online Streaming Act (Bill C-11) will affect not only big tech platforms that provide podcasts, like Spotify, Apple, and YouTube, but also independent creators who generate an annual revenue of $10 million or more.

This regulation will stifle freedom of expression, a fundamental right guaranteed to all Canadians. The lines between "content creators" and "online services that offer podcasts" are blurred, resulting in a restrictive environment for podcasters, including our own Canadian ones.

It also limits Canadians' exposure to varied and comprehensive programming, by cutting access to international podcasts. This would isolate us from diverse perspectives on global issues.

Controlling the voices of independent creators stands counter to our democratic values, including the freedom of speech, expression, and association as found within the Charter.

This directive contradicts the CRTC's mandate, emphasizing the importance of a balanced mix of information, enlightenment, and entertainment.

I urge you to protect Canadians' freedom of expression and association. Stand up for democratic values and reject the regulation of Canadians' podcasts.


[Tu nombre]