No to Gender Ideology and Abortion at #OAS49

No to pushing gender ideology


No to Gender Ideology and Abortion at #OAS49

No to Gender Ideology and Abortion at #OAS49

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Sign the petition against language in the Human Rights Resolution that pushes abortion, the LGBT agenda, and gender ideology. 

Will the career bureaucrats in the U.S. government support President Trump’s directive to stop giving international aid money, from our tax dollars, for abortions in foreign countries or will they cave to the liberals, socialists, and heavy hitters in the abortionist lobby?

Your voice is needed to help the CitizenGO team fight for life, family, freedom, faith, and democracy at the Organization of American States -- and work to make sure that the United States government ends the Obama-era misappropriation of our tax dollars towards causes that do not reflect our core values.

The 49th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) will be held from June 26, 2019, (starts tomorrow) to June 28, 2019, in Medellin, Colombia. The OAS is the international governing body for the western hemisphere.

Under the banner of human rights, the OAS routine demands it’s 35 member states to increase access to abortion and make abortion a human right, permit same-sex marriage, and promote sexuality education and gender ideology to children. They use their phony commission system to mandate their harmful agenda against the wishes of sovereign member states.

Shamefully, this year, the 49th General Assembly is no different, especially with the contents of the draft resolution for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and more.

Over the previous two years, our team has worked diligently with Trump administration officials to push back advances from the left to promote a culture of death with U.S. taxpayer funds. This includes our work advocating for the expansion of the Mexico City policy and to enforce the Siljander Amendment with the primary goal that no taxpayer funds go toward international organizations that lobby for or performs abortion or gives money to other organizations that do.

Even while celebrating these great victories, it’s clear some U.S. delegates will still be pushing Obama-era policy.

CitizenGO will participate, and while doing so, ’we’ll actively fight against the harmful elements in this resolution and others like this. We will take the petition with us to the General Assembly and distribute to delegates.

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Petition on OAS

Ambassador Carlos Trujillo,

I oppose the use of taxpayer funds to organizations or groups that perform abortion or advocate for abortion. Additionally, I oppose “trojan horse” human rights resolutions/documents that promote same-sex marriage, special LGBT rights, and gender ideology.

Please vote no on these issues at the 49th General Assembly of the Organization of American States.

[Tu nombre]

Petition on OAS

Ambassador Carlos Trujillo,

I oppose the use of taxpayer funds to organizations or groups that perform abortion or advocate for abortion. Additionally, I oppose “trojan horse” human rights resolutions/documents that promote same-sex marriage, special LGBT rights, and gender ideology.

Please vote no on these issues at the 49th General Assembly of the Organization of American States.

[Tu nombre]