Petition to: Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell
Demand States' Rights to Defund Planned Parenthood
Demand States' Rights to Defund Planned Parenthood
Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently proposed an absurd rule which will prevent states from blocking Title X funding (federal dollars for family planning services) to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood.
This is not only an attack on states’ rights, but forces states to fund Planned Parenthood and other local abortion providers.
In the recent years, states refusing to fund Planned Parenthood redirected Title X grants to county health departments or community health centers and away from abortion providers.
The proposed Title X rule change is a clear stunt by Obama to finance the abortion industry with our tax dollars and take power away from state and local governments.
Your signature would also help key pro-life Congressman Diane Black in her quest to stop this new rule. Representative Black has called on “the full force of Congress and the grassroots strength of the national pro-life movement to defeat this absurd rule”
Now is our chance to have our voice heard and through grassroots strength make a difference to stop Obama’s scheme to force taxpayers to pay for abortions.
Please use your voice to stop this proposed rule from becoming permanent.