Hungary just stood alone to defend the natural family at the EU

Petition to: Hungary's representatives at the EU


Hungary just stood alone to defend the natural family at the EU

Hungary just stood alone to defend the natural family at the EU

34,074 have signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Hungary just stood up for the natural family in a huge way

The Hungarian representatives at the EU in Brussels just vetoed two documents that would have wreaked havoc on the understanding of the natural family. Please join us in thanking them for their brave defense of our common values!

Hungary has long been known by their firm stance on family policy issues in the European Union. Over the last few years there has been enormous political pressure on Hungary to liberalize their national policies to allow for (and even encourage) same-sex unions.

International agencies like the EU wrongly insist that they should have a say over private national matters like marriage and the family which rightly fall within the legal scope of the individual Member States' laws. In recent years, more and more EU documents have attempted to address the issues of marriage and the family, pressuring member counties to liberalize their policies to accommodate these dangerous lifestyles.

At its founding, the EU rightly understood that questions like this did not fall within its purview. Instead, these questions were left up to the Member States. But now, many counties are being pressured to move away from the traditional understanding of marriage as the union between one man and one woman.

Earlier this week in Brussels, the Dutch President of the EU’s European Commission presented two documents titled "Strategic engagement for gender equality" and “Measures to promote equality for LGBT persons.” These documents would have forced Member States to change their local policies to accommodate LGBT practices and lifestyles.

Hungary was the sole member country to stand in opposition to these dangerous bills. Their veto meant that the dangerous documents were not adopted.

Now, Hungary is being slammed by the LGBT lobby for their defense of the natural family.

Please help us show Hungary that they are not alone. We stand with them, and we are thankful for their defense of our shared values.

34,074 have signed. Let's get to 50,000!

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Thank you for supporting the family at the EU!

Dear Hungarian representatives at the EU,

Thank you for your statements at the March 7th Council meeting and your decision to veto the dangerous documents presented by the President of the Commission.

You bravely represented the value of the family. The regulation of marriage and the family rightly belongs to the Member States. Hungary rightly understands marriage as the union between one man and one woman.

I thank you for defending this correct understanding of marriage and the family at the EU.

[Your Name]

Thank you for supporting the family at the EU!

Dear Hungarian representatives at the EU,

Thank you for your statements at the March 7th Council meeting and your decision to veto the dangerous documents presented by the President of the Commission.

You bravely represented the value of the family. The regulation of marriage and the family rightly belongs to the Member States. Hungary rightly understands marriage as the union between one man and one woman.

I thank you for defending this correct understanding of marriage and the family at the EU.

[Your Name]