Nevada moves to legalize a Suicide Pill!
Stop the Suicide Pill!
Stop the Suicide Pill!
We need your help.
Nevada is on the verge of legalizing a Suicide Pill that will bring new dangers to the elderly, the sick, and the disabled people in the State.
Bill SB 239 is dangerous, promoting discrimination against the most vulnerable members of our society and, most importantly, threatening the sanctity of human life.
It's a heartbreaking reality that those who deserve love and care would be enabled and encouraged by their doctors to give up on life.
Eight States have already legalized the Suicide Pill, spreading faster than ever.
It could come to your state next, and its supporters want to make it nationwide.
That’s why we need every American citizen to sign this petition to demand Governor Lombardo rejects the Suicide Pill.
Under the terms of the legislation, licensed medical practitioners could prescribe lethal drugs to willing Nevada residents 18 years of age and older with less than six months to live.
This means terminally ill patients will be given access to medication designed to end their lives.
But it doesn’t stop there – all we need to do is look at Canada to see the ultimate plan for assisted suicide. Canada already performs assisted suicide nationwide and is now on the verge of authorizing doctor-assisted suicide for people suffering from depression or personality disorders. The Suicide Pill does not seek a better life condition for the person. It seeks to eliminate them just because they are seen as a burden, nothing more.
That couldn’t be more wrong!
Just because someone is mentally ill, needy, or hurting does not mean that their life is worthless and that suicide is a viable option.
This legislation creates a system that preys upon the weak, elderly, and mentally compromised and perpetuates the lie that suicide is a good alternative to pain. Americans need to stand in the way and say “NO.”