Do your candidates share your values?
Canadian Federal Election - where do your candidates stand?
Canadian Federal Election - where do your candidates stand?
A federal election has been called in Canada for September 20th, 2021.
Due to third-party election advertising rules, we at CitizenGO cannot endorse the message of any candidate or party. That being said, we wish to inform you about where they stand on issues of life, family, and liberty, so that you can have a better idea about which candidates best represent your values when it comes time to vote.
We’ve made a survey asking political candidates where they stand on the following six issues:
- Conscience rights for medical professionals
- Sex-selective abortion
- Voluntary sexual orientation conversion therapy
- The right to share one’s faith on public property
- The protection of unborn children
- Medically assisted euthanasia and suicide
We’ve sent this survey to candidates in the 60 ridings that had the smallest margin of victory in the last election. We’ve especially tried to make sure that the Conservative candidate, the People’s Party of Canada candidate, the Christian Heritage Party candidate, and whatever Independent candidates we could find in these ridings received our survey, because these parties have free votes on these issues.
Sign this petition to encourage candidates to answer our survey. If you live in one of the 60 ridings we identified, we hope that your candidates will respond so you know where they stand on these issues.