Tell Netflix: Cancel 365 Days porn movie

Cancel the explicit 365 Days film immediately


Tell Netflix: Cancel 365 Days porn movie

Tell Netflix: Cancel 365 Days porn movie

28,466 have signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Parents beware. Netflix has done it again. 

Another offensive, viral movie akin to 50 Shades of Grey, is currently the fourth most-watched program on Netflix UK and the third most-watched on Netflix US.

It is a movie of a fictitious Mafia lord who kidnaps, drugs, chokes, and all but rapes a stranger for a year in the mad hope that she will fall in love with him. The drug boss is depicted to grope her breast about two minutes after meeting her. If she runs away, the Mafia leader threatens to kill her parents. 

She develops "stockholm syndrome" and next thing, she falls into a sex-filled trap.

The film features scenes that are too graphic and sexually explicit for me to even describe to you in this email.

If this is not blatant use of sexual exploitation of a woman for the sake of good ratings and the enjoyment of the depraved, then I don't know what is. This is nothing more than the glorification of kidnap and forced sex. 

Many young people binge-watch Netflix and while many may be quick to fall into the trap that this is “just a film,” it is these toxic normalizations repeatedly reinforced in modern entertainment that are responsible for influencing today’s generation of boys who are led to believe that violence against women is fine and that “no” can be twisted into “yes.”

Even though the film is rated at MA15+, children are reportedly watching it and a number of scenes have been reposted on popular social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube.

The dangerously flawed notion that male aggression is synonymous with love is alive on social media with comments from young women including ‘'Waiting for my Massimo', 'I wanna have him' and 'Sexiest man alive'."

The bottom line is that this movie is neither pro-woman nor empowering.

And if you want to do your part to destroy the harmful normalization and eroticization of sexual exploitation, then I urge you to action this alert without delay!

We need your help to send a clear message to Netflix to cancel this disgusting and outrageous film urgently.

It is extremely disappointing that what appears to be a kidnap-rape fantasy has so many people watching amid COVID-19.

As The Guardian rightly describes it, “it is a film aimed squarely at a very specific sliver of horny people who are smart enough to sign up for a Netflix account but too dumb to be able to type the word Pornhub on to the internet.”

Sign now to help us send a strong message to Netflix: normalizing kidnapping and nonconsensual sex is not okay.



There is nothing romantic about Netflix’s 365 Days – kidnap isn’t sexy 

365 Days: the Netflix softcore porn film that people can't stop watching

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Cancel the explicit 365 Days film immediately!

The film depicts sexually explicit scenes and sends the dangerous message that kidnapping, drugging, and non-consensual sex is okay.

This is absolutely unacceptable. It is neither pro-woman nor empowering.

Many young people binge-watch Netflix and while many may be quick to fall into the trap that this is “just a film,” it is these toxic normalizations repeatedly reinforced in modern entertainment that are responsible for influencing today’s generation of boys who are led to believe that violence against women is fine and that “no” can be twisted into “yes.”

Please, remove this highly offensive production. Act immediately!

[Your Name]

Cancel the explicit 365 Days film immediately!

The film depicts sexually explicit scenes and sends the dangerous message that kidnapping, drugging, and non-consensual sex is okay.

This is absolutely unacceptable. It is neither pro-woman nor empowering.

Many young people binge-watch Netflix and while many may be quick to fall into the trap that this is “just a film,” it is these toxic normalizations repeatedly reinforced in modern entertainment that are responsible for influencing today’s generation of boys who are led to believe that violence against women is fine and that “no” can be twisted into “yes.”

Please, remove this highly offensive production. Act immediately!

[Your Name]