Petition to: To the Chief Executive Officer of MTN Swaziland (Eswatini)




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It is with great despair that the people of Eswatini have learnt that you intend to promote the LGBTQI agenda during the Bushfire 2018 Festival. Here’s why this is a huge problem:

MTN is the main sponsor of this event and you are aligning yourself with Rock of Hope, a highly controversial organization that registered with Government by false pretences claiming to be a health entity yet its sole intention is to promote the homosexual agenda.

By saying you will promote the LGBTQI agenda you are plunging the whole country and its leaders into controversy by endorsing the controversial concepts of sexual orientation (preference) and gender identity.

Therefore you and Rock of Hope are amongst those who are sowing endless seeds of confusion amongst the populace of Eswatini, especially our children who are our future. 

You are promoting controversy whilst ignoring the real needs of the country which is food/nutrition, water, shelter, employment, security, quality education, rural electrification, good roads and most importantly the protection of children and the family.

How about educating the public on violence against women and children and how it can be combatted instead of promoting things that will be of no concrete assistance to anybody at the end of the day?

By the way Bushfire is a festival also meant to be enjoyed by families. How can Emaswati take their children to the daytime activities when controversial concepts will be promoted? How can we take our children to a place where sexual freedom will be promoted yet the country is already facing huge challenges due to HIV and AIDS which is the result of sexual freedom? This is horrifying to say the least! MTN Swaziland you were never popular amongst Emaswati but somewhat regained your reputation due to your excellent Corporate Social Responsibility programme. Do you really want to spoil this by promoting concepts and lifestyles that do not even enjoy universal consensus around the world?

You are called upon to immediately retract your statement published in the Swazi Observer Page 12 dated 8 May, 2018 and further assure Emaswati that you will not promote anything that is contrary to our norms, values and religious beliefs just as you promised over 20 years ago when you set up shop in Eswatini.

Highly concerned Emaswati

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Petition to: To the Chief Executive Officer of MTN Swaziland (Eswatini)


It is with great despair that the people of Eswatini have learnt that you intend to promote the LGBTQI agenda during the Bushfire 2018 Festival

Kindly pull out your sponsorship on this controversial event that corrupts our nation lest we boycott your services.

[Your Name]

Petition to: To the Chief Executive Officer of MTN Swaziland (Eswatini)


It is with great despair that the people of Eswatini have learnt that you intend to promote the LGBTQI agenda during the Bushfire 2018 Festival

Kindly pull out your sponsorship on this controversial event that corrupts our nation lest we boycott your services.

[Your Name]