No abortion at US

Goverment is no longer financing abortions abroad


No abortion at US

No abortion at US

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Last  January 23rd President Trump has sing a “Presidential memoranda’ to restore the “Mexico City policy”, also known a ‘global gag rule’ to block any foreign aid or federal funding of programs that also provide abortions. IPPF and all international pro-abortion organizations will never receive any more funding from the US to their ‘reproductive’ international programs that include abortion.

Recently, the President Trump’s nominee for United States Un Ambassador, Nikki Haley, repeatedly asserted her pro-life commitments during the confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign relations Committee.

From Usa are coming two impressive pro-life decisions: protecting new born babies inside the country and abroad.  As the UN’s largest donor government, the U.S. has great influence on its operation and all its Agencies  programs around the world.

At the same days, the Republicans majority at House of Representatives has approved Bill H.R. 7, to  ‘permanently ban taxpayers abortions’, the Bill ensures that Government no longer spends people’s hard earned money on insurance with elective abortion. This ‘No Tax Payer Funding for Abortion Act’ was approved largely along party lines, with a vote of 238-183 and it will ensure that ‘zero’ tax dollars fund the killing of unborn babies permanently.  

Please join with me in thanking the USA to support life and defund abortion abroad/outside!

Ask to Senate to fast approve the ‘Permanent No Tax Payer Abortion Act’ to protect unborn babies in USA!

Thank these new decisions in USA,  women will be better informed and more babies will be protected during pregnancy.

We must remember that every abortion ends a human life that is made in the image of God. There is sanctity in each and every human life, and we must fight on all fronts to protect unborn children.

Please join me in thanking and encouraging Usa to protect and promote worldwide human life and human dignity everywhere! Joint me in asking  to all Senate members to promptly approve the ‘No Tax Payer Funding Abortion Act’ to encouraging life values in USA too.

Thank you USA for protecting life!

For further information:

Check presidential memorandum restoring ‘Mexico City policy’: no financiang abortions outside the States

House of Representatives pass bill that will block DC funding for abortion

New UN USA ambassador: “I am strongly prolife”

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Aproved ASAP the Tax Payer Funding for Abortion Act

Att. Senate

President of the USA, Donald Trump

Vicepresident of the USA, Mike Pence

Last week your President has signed a Memoranda to restore the ‘Mexico City Policy’ to defund and block  any foreign aid or federal funding of programs that provide abortions.

The House of Representatives  has approved the ‘No Tax Payer Funding Abortion Act’ to encourage life in all USA States.

Thank you for your courageous support of life in Usa and abroad! Through these new decisions and legislation you may totally transform the world policies about new born babies and women. Women will be better informed and more babies will be protected during pregnancy in Usa and abroad.

We ask to all Honarable Senators to quickly approve the same ‘No Tax Payer Funding Abortion Act’ and to implement it.

We applaud your actions and thank you for courage. Through your leadership and pro-life actions, USA is becoming a force for life and dignity everywhere!

[Your Name]

Aproved ASAP the Tax Payer Funding for Abortion Act

Att. Senate

President of the USA, Donald Trump

Vicepresident of the USA, Mike Pence

Last week your President has signed a Memoranda to restore the ‘Mexico City Policy’ to defund and block  any foreign aid or federal funding of programs that provide abortions.

The House of Representatives  has approved the ‘No Tax Payer Funding Abortion Act’ to encourage life in all USA States.

Thank you for your courageous support of life in Usa and abroad! Through these new decisions and legislation you may totally transform the world policies about new born babies and women. Women will be better informed and more babies will be protected during pregnancy in Usa and abroad.

We ask to all Honarable Senators to quickly approve the same ‘No Tax Payer Funding Abortion Act’ and to implement it.

We applaud your actions and thank you for courage. Through your leadership and pro-life actions, USA is becoming a force for life and dignity everywhere!

[Your Name]