Stand with J.K. Rowling against the tyranny of Gender Ideology

Stand with J.K. Rowling


Stand with J.K. Rowling against the tyranny of Gender Ideology

Stand with J.K. Rowling against the tyranny of Gender Ideology

6,515 have signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Imagine a world where speaking the truth lands you in prison. Can you picture it? Because we're sliding dangerously close to that reality.

CitizenGO campaigner Caroline Farrow is just one of many women in the UK who has faced multiple police investigations for refusing to pretend that biological men are women.

J.K. Rowling, who needs no introduction as the creator of the beloved Harry Potter children’s books,  famously entered the fray in 2019 when she, too, began posting her opposition to gender ideology.

Standing up for her belief in biological sex has inevitably resulted in the author facing innumerable threats and utterly sickening abuse on a daily basis. She has been the subject of appalling defamation, and even famous people, such as Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, who have built their personal fortunes off the back of her creative genius, have disassociated from her.

With her reputation and even livelihood at stake, with calls for Harry Potter products to be boycotted and for J.K. Rowling to be canceled and de-platformed, the author has continued to stand firm.

Displaying the bravery of her most famous literary creation, responding to proposals in the UK to make misgendering an aggravated criminal offense carrying a two-year jail sentence, J.K Rowling has said that she will happily spend two years in prison if the alternative is compelled speech and the forced denial of biological reality. 

J.K. Rowling is a beacon of hope in this fight. She's risked her career, faced the wrath of progressive liberals, and jeopardized future projects to protect the rights of vulnerable women and girls. She's even willing to risk her freedom rather than submit to compelled speech.

It is precisely because her name is instantly recognizable to millions of people around the world that J.K. Rowling’s intervention in the gender debate has proven so significant. Thanks to her, people are waking up to the evil of this ideology, the relentless abuse and harassment from transgender activists, and the harms that are being perpetrated upon society and, particularly upon women and children.

Sign in solidarity with J K Rowling for her brave and principled stance defending women, children, and freedom of speech and leave a personal message of thanks. 

J.K. Rowling has become so totemic that in Canada, nurse Amy Hamm, is facing the loss of her career simply for helping to erect an ‘I love JKR’ billboard.

But this isn’t just about J.K. Rowling’s and other women’s bravery. It’s about the fundamental rights and safety of us all.

Gender ideology is reshaping our society in dangerous ways - from sports to courtrooms, from schools to public spaces. It's an injustice that threatens our children, endangers women, and penalizes those who dare to speak up.

Unlike ordinary people, J.K. Rowling has the resources to fight back against defamation and attempts at cancellation, but nevertheless, being rich and famous has not insulated her from the daily threats, abuse, and intimidation. She has highlighted to a much wider public what many of us have faced and shown that nobody is immune from the gender lobby.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have, and it takes a lot of courage to be prepared to go to jail in order to change the world. If everyone were prepared to take this stand, then our governments would have to build an awful lot more prisons.

But here's the thing - we can win this fight. If enough of us stand up, they can't jail us all. We need to show that hundreds of thousands, millions even, agree with J.K. Rowling's stance.

Imagine the alternative: a world where free speech is a thing of the past, where lying under oath becomes a norm, where identifying biological sex correctly is a crime. But if we succeed, we can turn the tide. We can force governments, politicians, media, corporations, and charities to stop bending to gender tyrants. We can restore sanity to our courts, schools, sports, and organizations.

Stand with J.K. Rowling. Sign our petition against gender ideology. Show that we refuse to be silenced, that we will not be compelled to lie, and send her your personal message of support. 

More information:

- JK Rowling would rather go to jail than use wrong pronouns for transgender people

- JK Rowling: Asking woman to refer to 'male rapist' as 'she' is state-sanctioned abuse

Witch trial of J K Rowling fan shows what women have lost

6,515 have signed. Let's get to 10,000!

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I stand with J.K. Rowling. I stand for truth!

Dear Joanne.

In standing up in defense of the rights of women and girls against gender ideology, you have risked your career, your professional relationships, and your personal safety and have demonstrated that you will even put your personal freedom on the line.

I would like to thank you for your principled stance and repeated words of wisdom on this subject, which can not have been easy in the liberal progressive circles in which you operate.

As you once said, It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to one's enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.

When you wrote Harry Potter, did you ever imagine that you would one day be called upon to display the same brave tenacity as your most famous character?

To paraphrase Dumbledore, ‘dark and difficult times lie ahead, soon we must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy’ and just as the headmaster of Hogwarts said to Harry, you are not alone, Joanne Rowling, millions of ordinary people are with you. 

Thank you for your continued courage in standing up to the scourge of gender ideology to the extent of being willing to risk a prison sentence in defense of all of our rights and freedoms. Thank you for being our voice. 

I stand with you as you refuse to be silenced and refuse to lie. I stand with you as you fight back against the imposition of dangerous gender ideology on our society.

Yours in solidarity, 

[Your Name]

I stand with J.K. Rowling. I stand for truth!

Dear Joanne.

In standing up in defense of the rights of women and girls against gender ideology, you have risked your career, your professional relationships, and your personal safety and have demonstrated that you will even put your personal freedom on the line.

I would like to thank you for your principled stance and repeated words of wisdom on this subject, which can not have been easy in the liberal progressive circles in which you operate.

As you once said, It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to one's enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.

When you wrote Harry Potter, did you ever imagine that you would one day be called upon to display the same brave tenacity as your most famous character?

To paraphrase Dumbledore, ‘dark and difficult times lie ahead, soon we must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy’ and just as the headmaster of Hogwarts said to Harry, you are not alone, Joanne Rowling, millions of ordinary people are with you. 

Thank you for your continued courage in standing up to the scourge of gender ideology to the extent of being willing to risk a prison sentence in defense of all of our rights and freedoms. Thank you for being our voice. 

I stand with you as you refuse to be silenced and refuse to lie. I stand with you as you fight back against the imposition of dangerous gender ideology on our society.

Yours in solidarity, 

[Your Name]