Ask the Mississippi legislature to ban abortion after 15 weeks!



Ask the Mississippi legislature to ban abortion after 15 weeks!


Ask the Mississippi legislature to ban abortion after 15 weeks!

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The Missisippi House has approved this measure! It still needs to be approved by the Senate and signed into law by the Governor! But we have won the first part of the battle!!


There’s currently an effort in Mississippi to ban abortion after 15 weeks. The legislation, House Bill 1510 would save thousands of lives in Mississippi. By 15 weeks old, the unborn baby is rubbing his eyes, doing flips in his mommy’s tummy and could even be struggling with a case of the hiccups. 

These are people who deserve protection. Please sign this petition now to the Mississippi legislature asking them to approve this legislation in order to save the lives of innocent babies.

By 15 weeks, the most common form of abortion is called “Dilation and Evacuation” or D&E. “D&E” is a nice vague term for what is likely the most barbaric practice in Americadoctors literally rip unborn babies apart, limb-from-limb, and then pull their body parts out of the womb.

Pro-abortion advocates—usually people who claim to support science—do everything they can to hide the scientific facts of dismemberment abortions from the mothers who fall victim to their plot. Even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—a favorite of many liberals for his gay marriage decisions—has recognized the undeniable fact of what happens during “D&E” procedures. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb.Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 958–59 (2000) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).

By the second trimester, babies in the womb are listening to their mother’s voice, doing summersaults, and sucking their thumb.

Each year, about 2,600 babies are aborted in Mississippi. That’s 2,600 children that are not born and that are lost forever. Many of those unborn babies were killed after 15 weeks of gestation. 

We must remember that every abortion ends a human life that is made in the image of God. There is sanctity in each and every human life, and we must fight on all fronts to protect unborn children.

Please join in asking the Mississippi legislature to pass House Bill 1510 in order to protect the 2,600 unborn babies at risk for abortion each year.

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Ban abortion after 15 weeks

Mississippi legislature, 

You will soon vote on House Bill 1510 which would ban abortion after 15 weeks.

By 15 weeks, the most common form of abortion is called “Dilation and Evacuation” or D&E. “D&E” is a nice vague term for what is likely the most barbaric practice in America—doctors literally rip unborn babies apart, limb-from-limb, and then pull their body parts out of the womb.

By 15 weeks old, the unborn baby is rubbing his eyes, doing flips in his mommy’s tummy and could even be struggling with a case of the hiccups. These are people who deserve protection.

Please approve this legislation in order to save the lives innocent babies. 

[Your Name]

Ban abortion after 15 weeks

Mississippi legislature, 

You will soon vote on House Bill 1510 which would ban abortion after 15 weeks.

By 15 weeks, the most common form of abortion is called “Dilation and Evacuation” or D&E. “D&E” is a nice vague term for what is likely the most barbaric practice in America—doctors literally rip unborn babies apart, limb-from-limb, and then pull their body parts out of the womb.

By 15 weeks old, the unborn baby is rubbing his eyes, doing flips in his mommy’s tummy and could even be struggling with a case of the hiccups. These are people who deserve protection.

Please approve this legislation in order to save the lives innocent babies. 

[Your Name]