Petition to: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook: Drop Plans for Instagram App for Kids
Facebook: Drop Plans for Instagram App for Kids
October 6, 2021 UPDATE:
Facebook heard from Enough Is Enough and from Congress, and put its plan for Instagram for Kids under 13 on “pause.” However, a full victory can’t be declared until (1) Facebook permanently ABOLISHES this irresponsible plan, (2) implements age-verification technology to keep kids under 13 years old off Instagram/Facebook, (3) implements stronger safety protocols for 13-17 year-olds on both Facebook and Instagram, and (4) develops robust parental control tools for parents.
We need your help to make these demands heard loud and clear!
On 10/5/21, former Facebook manager turned whistleblower, Frances Haugen, told a Senate subcommittee that Facebook and Instagram can be addictive and harmful to children.
Armed with thousands of key documents, one showed Facebook researchers knew Instagram was toxic for teenage girls.
Haugen said, “Facebook knows they are leading young users to anorexia content.” And she said the company actively seeks to attract children to its platforms, especially Instagram, because “they understand the value of younger users for the long-term success of Facebook.”
“This is about Facebook choosing to grow at all costs … buying its profits with our safety,” she said.
Despite the public outcry depicting the harms posed by Facebook platforms, Facebook recently stated: “building ‘Instagram Kids’ is the right thing to do” and they “stand by the need to develop this experience.”
Enough Is Enough continues its call for Facebook to ABANDON its plans. It’s clear that the current efforts to empower parents to keep their kids safe are sadly lacking:
Facebook/Instagram terms of service state no child under the age of 13 can make their own account and as such, there are no built-in parental controls available through Facebook. Instead, parents need to adjust their child’s General Account Settings to make sure their profile is as protected as possible.
Instagram more recently launched safety measures asking kids to confirm they're 13 by entering a birthdate, but kids can lie. Additionally, users can now turn off direct messages from those they don't know, but these measures are easy for kids to work around. Protecting a child's account requires parental access to that account, which parents may or may not have!
If parents are concerned about a photo or video that violates their child’s privacy, they can’t take it down if the child is 13 years old and above! The quote below is what a concerned parent will find on the FB site: “…unfortunately we can’t take action on behalf of your child if they are over 13, unless they are mentally or physically unable to report this to us themselves. We encourage you to talk to your teen about this issue and help them submit their own request to have this content removed.”
If a child is under 13, the parents need to request the removal of the image of their by filling out a form! This is nonsense and a reckless practice!
Bottom line: All Facebook cares about is its bottom line and not the safety of children who use its platforms!
Original Call to Action:
Facebook’s plans for an Instagram app allowing kids under 13 to share photos and content is a dangerous and reckless idea. Enough Is Enough® (EIE) stands with the 44 US Attorneys General in asking Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to abandon these plans.
Instagram head Adam Mosseri said in a recent interview with Buzzfeed that plans are underway to develop “a version of Instagram for young people or kids where parents have transparency or control.” The platform was described as “part of the solution” to the social media giants’ issue of enforcing its so-called age restriction policy to keep kids under 13-years-old from having accounts.
Social media platforms have yet to put into place age-verification technologies to ensure that its existing users are indeed 13 years or older to comply with COPPA standards -- legislation that made it illegal to collect or store the personal information of children under age 13. Currently, kids can simply lie about their age to create an account. So how can we rely on Big Tech to put the best interests of younger children in place? The simple answer is, we can’t and we shouldn’t.
For far too long, we’ve watched social media and big tech line their pockets while children and youth in the US and globally have been put at unprecedented risks of sexual predation, trafficking and exploitation, all while their social, physical and mental health remains under relentless attack.
The welfare of children has been in a state of crisis since the advent of social media. Teens who spend more than three hours a day on social media are more likely to develop mental health problems including depression, anxiety, aggression, and antisocial behavior. Of children between ages eight and thirteen, 43% are speaking to strangers online using social media and gaming platforms, with a third of them speaking to strangers every day or at least once a week. Children under the age of 10 now account for 22% of online porn consumption among those under 18, while 10-14 year-olds make up 36% of minor consumers.
The Covid pandemic fueled the internet-enabled exploitation of children exponentially: 2020 was a record-breaking year, with more than 21.7 million reports of suspected child sexual exploitation made to NCMEC’s CyberTipline. These materials contained suspected child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and other incident related content. This marks the highest number of reports ever received in one year – a 28% increase over 2019. Just as disturbing, NCMEC reported a 97.5% increase in online enticement reports.
Yet, in spite of the vulnerability of youth in the most dire of times, Facebook, which owns Instagram, has focused its attention on attracting younger users onto its Instagram platform. Medical science confirms that the pre-frontal cortex of children’s brains that controls common sense, judgment, and emotion, is not mature until approximately 25 years of age.Children are therefore unable to handle the online solicitations and the influx of content, images and addictive engagement tactics they are inundated with by social media platforms designed intentionally to encourage greater use.
A former Facebook director of monetization recently testified to Congress that Facebook's focus on driving engagement outweighs its consideration of potential harms, adding Facebook intentionally made its product as addictive as cigarettes. A former Google product manager made similar claims stating Silicon Valley is engineering phones, apps and social media to get users hooked.
Targeting and inviting children under 13 to use Instagram is as irresponsible as the DMV giving pre-teens a license to drive and expecting them to navigate the roads safely. Children are simply not equipped to handle the obstacles and challenges encountered though social media use. Further, it would be careless to think that a parent or caregiver would be readily available at all moments to offer a “parent-controlled experience” as noted by Facebook.
Children’s curiosity makes them vulnerable to exploitation, whether it is by pornographers, predators, bullies or Big Tech. It’s time for the tech industry to be part of the solution, not the problem. We must not allow them to white wash attempts to take advantage of children’s innocence in the name of the almighty dollar. We say Enough Is Enough®!