Call your MP and tell them to Reject Bill C-7



Call your MP and tell them to Reject Bill C-7

Call your MP and tell them to Reject Bill C-7

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Since October 5th, Parliament has been discussing whether to expand Canada's euthanasia regime with Bill C-7, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying). Bill C-7 seeks to give Canada one of the world’s most extreme euthanasia laws.

Bill C-7, if passed, would:

  • Allow MAiD (medical assistance in dying) by advanced request, allowing MAiD for people who are not competent enough to consent. 
  • Eliminate the ten-day waiting period. This means, on a bad day, someone could request MAiD and die the same day.
  • Reduces the number of independent witnesses from two to one
  • Due to the structure of the law, would not prevent MAiD for people who are “mentally ill”. MAiD is permitted for physical or psychological suffering that is intolerable to them, and that cannot be relieved under conditions that they consider acceptable. Without amending the language of the law or defining mental illness, this bill will not prevent MAiD for mental illness.

More than 40,000 CitizenGoers from across Canada have urged the Minister of Health and the Minister of Justice to reject Bill C-7. But instead, the Committee hearings on Bill C-7 have been fast-tracked and will now be completed by November 12.

Will you pick up your phone now and tell your MP to reject Bill C-7?

You can get your MP’s phone number here:

(Type in your postal code in the search bar to find your MP. On your MP’s page, click on ‘Contact’ to find your MP’s phone number).

Here’s an example of what you can say:

“I’ve just heard that you will soon be voting on Bill C-7, a bill about euthanasia. Bill C-7 is dangerous and extreme because it removes important safeguards that protect vulnerable Canadians. For example, Bill C-7 removes the ten-day waiting period, and it allows people who are unable to consent to be given euthanasia. I’m asking you to do what is best for Canadians, and vote against Bill C-7.”

Feel free to just use our standard message, or use a message of your choice using any of the problems with Bill C-7 that I posted above.

I am sure that if MPs see that many of their constituents are extremely concerned by the danger that Bill C-7 poses to our country, they will be far more likely to take these concerns seriously, and maybe even consider voting against it.

And please tell us if you called and how your interview went by specifying in the “comment” section at the top right how it went.

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Will you pick up your phone now and tell your MP to reject Bill C-7?

You can get your MP’s phone number here:

(Type in your postal code in the search bar to find your MP. On your MP’s page, click on ‘Contact’ to find your MP’s phone number).

Here’s an example of what you can say:

“I’ve just heard that you will soon be voting on Bill C-7, a bill about euthanasia. Bill C-7 is dangerous and extreme because it removes important safeguards that protect vulnerable Canadians. For example, Bill C-7 removes the ten-day waiting period, and it allows people who are unable to consent to be given euthanasia. I’m asking you to do what is best for Canadians, and vote against Bill C-7.”

[Your Name]


Will you pick up your phone now and tell your MP to reject Bill C-7?

You can get your MP’s phone number here:

(Type in your postal code in the search bar to find your MP. On your MP’s page, click on ‘Contact’ to find your MP’s phone number).

Here’s an example of what you can say:

“I’ve just heard that you will soon be voting on Bill C-7, a bill about euthanasia. Bill C-7 is dangerous and extreme because it removes important safeguards that protect vulnerable Canadians. For example, Bill C-7 removes the ten-day waiting period, and it allows people who are unable to consent to be given euthanasia. I’m asking you to do what is best for Canadians, and vote against Bill C-7.”

[Your Name]