Transgender Ideology Is Harmful
Suspend (Trans)gender Services at Tavistock Now
Suspend (Trans)gender Services at Tavistock Now
Until fairly recently, the clinic rooms of Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust – a specialist Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) - saw about 50 referrals a year, mainly males with a history of gender issues.
Now the numbers are in the thousands. According to (GIDS) “1,806 of the referrals were for young people assigned female at birth (AFAB), and 713 for those assigned male at birth. Last year those numbers were 1400 and 616. This continues the trend of an increase in AFAB referrals proportionately.”
In other words, not only has there been an enormous increase in the number of referrals of patients to this clinic struggling with gender issues, but the number of females, both girls and women, presented to the clinic is more than double the number of men. This is why some people have called this phenomenon a ‘social contagion’.
The Times has recently done an investigation into Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and gathered the testimony of five former clinicians from this clinic. What they have revealed is shocking…
- The children coming through the clinic are being used as a “live experiment”. Cross-sex hormones are supplied and the consequences of taking these can, at least to some extent, be irreversible. The administration of hormone blockers (to delay/stop the onset of puberty) is supposedly reversible, yet the long term effects are largely unknown. As one of the clinicians who spoke with The Times said: “When you start them on puberty blockers, you’re putting them on a pathway that could lead to sexual dysfunction problems and, for the younger kids, will definitely make them infertile.”
- Some children are being pressured or feel pressured into trying to change their sex because they are struggling with their own sexuality. “Some people were transitioning their gender to match their sexuality” said one clinician. The Times reports that young people “repeatedly” confided their own “disgust” that they may be gay.
- Some children are transitioning or being encouraged to transition because they do not fit well into traditional gender roles. “Children’s bodies are being damaged in order to treat societal issues,” one of the clinicians said.
- One clinician was even concerned about the role he/she may have played in enabling paedophilia whilst working for the Tavistock clinic. “All the pushing was coming from the father to put the kid on puberty blockers. Thinking back on it now, I fear that the father was a paedophile and the child was being abused.”
- All of the clinicians believed that transgender charities such a Mermaids, were having a “harmful” effect by promoting transition as a cure-all solution for confused adolescents
(Please read the full articles: here and here
One of the clinicians even talked about what happens at the clinic as an “atrocity”. It is worth noting that the clinicians do not impute any bad faith to those still working at the clinic. The decisions taken, hormones administered, surgery done are assumed to be done in good faith.
Yet, however well intentioned these actions are, as many have long suspected, what is happening to these children and young people is a form of abuse. This has been allowed to continue for too long because the ideology behind it apparently enjoys the support of the state. (Trans)gender ideology however, with its total redefinitions of such basic terms as “man” and “woman” is as out of touch with reality as it is actively harmful to its adherents, and furthermore, as we have seen, harmful to innocent children struggling with some aspect of their identity.
The Times should be commended for its journalism in this case.
Please sign this petition to the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health, asking him to suspend all gender related services at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in light of The Times investigation.