No Imposition of Gender Ideology in EU schools!

Petition to: Presidency of the European Parliament and European Commission


No Imposition of Gender Ideology in EU schools!

No Imposition of Gender Ideology in EU schools!

173,518 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

Last 16 June 2015, the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament adopted a report on Emancipation of young girls by education in the EU which wants to impose the education of gender ideology in all schools of the European Union.

This report calls on the Member States to teach gender ideology in all the EU Schools, change the books and to produce new ones with a gender ideology perspective. This report does not respect the parent's rights to have primary and first rights of education over their children as educators and parents.

In particular, Paragraph 29 promotes sex education in primary schoolsParagraph 30 encourages girls to have “control over their own bodies”, words which are usually code for "access to abortion" (usually without their parents' knowledge or consent)Paragraph 31 promotes LGBTI issues when a general anti-bullying curriculum would sufficeAnd, Paragraph 32 promotes gender-neutrality in the choice of subjects to be studied, denouncing the natural differentiation between boys and girls as “gendered stereotypes”.

Additionally, the Rodrigues Report also violates the Principle of Subsidiarity of the EU, defined by the Lisbon Treaty, art. 5, as "education" is not a competence of the EU.

And, finally, this report violates and does not respect International Treaties and Convenants, the latest Resolution of the UN on the Protection of the Family, the Universal Human Declaration of Human Rights or the International Convention of the Rights of the Child or the European Convention on Fundamental Rights.

For all the above reasons, we urge the European Members of Parliament (MEPs) to REJECT the Rodrigues Report at the Plenary Session.

The vote in Plenary Session is scheduled for 8 September 2015 - TODAY!

Please help us defeat this rotten report and:

Thank you,

The Europe for Family team


The Rodrigues Report:

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173,518 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

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Stop Gender Ideology in EU schools - Stop the EU Parliament’s Rodrigues Report

Dear Member of European Parliament,

As your electors, we would like to bring to your attention the important vote, today, on the Rodrigues Report in the plenary session.

This report "Empowering girls through Education in the EU", infringes on European and International Treaties and Covenants by:

  • 1. Violating the right of parents to be the first educators of their children. It is a direct intrusion in the private lives of parents, children, teachers and school-book editors, as this report does not respect the freedom of belief.
  • 2. Violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the European Convention on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the Convention of the Rights of the Child; and, the Resolution of the UN Human Rights on the Protection of the Family.
  • 3. Violating of the Principle of Subsidiarity of the European Union, as "education" is not a competence of the EU, as defined by the Lisbon Treaty, art.5.

 For all the above reasons, we urge you to REJECT the Rodrigues Report.

[Your Name]

Stop Gender Ideology in EU schools - Stop the EU Parliament’s Rodrigues Report

Dear Member of European Parliament,

As your electors, we would like to bring to your attention the important vote, today, on the Rodrigues Report in the plenary session.

This report "Empowering girls through Education in the EU", infringes on European and International Treaties and Covenants by:

  • 1. Violating the right of parents to be the first educators of their children. It is a direct intrusion in the private lives of parents, children, teachers and school-book editors, as this report does not respect the freedom of belief.
  • 2. Violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the European Convention on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the Convention of the Rights of the Child; and, the Resolution of the UN Human Rights on the Protection of the Family.
  • 3. Violating of the Principle of Subsidiarity of the European Union, as "education" is not a competence of the EU, as defined by the Lisbon Treaty, art.5.

 For all the above reasons, we urge you to REJECT the Rodrigues Report.

[Your Name]