Save Dr. Mark Trozzi: Defend His Medical License From Suspension

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Save Dr. Mark Trozzi: Defend His Medical License From Suspension

Save Dr. Mark Trozzi: Defend His Medical License From Suspension

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UPDATE: Dr Trozzi's hearing concluded on November 10th, with the final verdict to be delivered in December. 

A brave frontline doctor is about to be silenced. We must rally behind him to stop the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) from revoking his license to practice.

Dr. Mark Trozzi is under attack from his College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) for simply doing his job and using his fundamental rights of free speech and expression.

Dr. Trozzi could lose his medical license from the CPSO on November 10th because he dared to do his own research and publicly post his findings that questioned the science and media narrative around the COVID-19 vaccine.

It is deplorable what the CPSO is doing to Dr. Trozzi since he was a frontline doctor during the pandemic and during the initial cases of COVID-19 here in Canada.

As a doctor, he did his duty in studying the ingredients, effects, and side effects that resulted from the vaccines produced by Big Pharma.

His research found that the jabs were not safe or effective, as the pharmaceutical companies, media, medical, and political narratives around the vaccines claimed.

Dr. Trozzi also revealed that many of his colleagues failed to demonstrate proper judgment and concern for their patients regarding these highly experimental vaccines.

He blew the whistle on the medical profession as many doctors looked the other way to receive substantial financial gains.

In an interview with former Member of Parliament Derek Sloan, Dr. Trozzi's legal council, Michael Alexander, explains that the CPSO is not "officially recommend[ing] the revocation of Dr. Trozzi's license, but [instead] 'suggests that it might be warranted,' they 'want to make an example of Mark.'"

The CPSO wants to make an example out of Dr. Mark Trozzi for correctly, rationally, and scientifically questioning the COVID-19 vaccines and the narrative around them.

The College wants to save its public reputation and wants to continue hiding the horrific truth that Dr. Trozzi has uncovered regarding the experimental and unsafe COVID-19 vaccines.

They are actively threatening to remove his medical license because he fulfilled the Hippocratic Oath for his patients: "TO DO NO HARM."

Dr. Trozzi's case is the perfect example of how our publicly funded healthcare has removed their focus from doing their jobs to playing politics.

The result is that healthcare becomes less personalized and more generalized.

If the CPSO successfully makes an example out of him, they will continue to rule with fear over doctors, who are forced to decide what is right for their patient's health versus what the College has generally decided is best for all patients.

We can not allow the CPSO to make Dr. Trozzi an example of what happens when good doctors go against Big Pharma and Big Medicine.

Sign the petition to support Dr. Mark Trozzi and his brave stand against Big Pharma. Demand that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Dr. Robert Gratton DO NOT REVOKE Dr. Mark Trozzi’s medical license.

More information:

LifeSiteNews: Dr. Mark Trozzi may lose medical license for defying COVID narrative 

Funding The Fight: Dr. Trozzi Latest Update - May Lose Licence Next Week

Dr. Mark Trozzi’s Research

Derek Sloan Facebook Post When Dr. Mark Trozzi's disciplinary hearing occurs

LifeSiteNews: Dr. Trozzi awaits ruling from Ontario Physicians after their meeting to discuss stripping his license

CPSO file on Dr. Mark Trozzi

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario v. Trozzi, 2023 ONPSDT 22 (CanLII)

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Protect Free Speech & Medical Integrity: Do Not Revoke Dr. Mark Trozzi’s Medical License

Dear Dr. Robert Gratton and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,

I am writing to you today to stop persecuting Dr. Mark Trozzi and his efforts to investigate the COVID-19 vaccines.

It is profoundly unjust to propose revoking Dr. Trozzi's medical license for fulfilling his obligation to the citizens and patients in Ontario, and throughout Canada, by thoroughly examining and logically scrutinizing the COVID-19 vaccine and its corresponding media narrative.

Dr. Trozzi worked tirelessly on the frontlines during the initial stages of the pandemic. He diligently assessed the vaccines, evaluating their safety and effectiveness, eventually uncovering information that challenged mainstream beliefs so he could provide the best information for Ontario and Canada's health professionals, patients, and citizens.

He also courageously exposed how some doctors preferred monetary benefits over patient welfare. It is important to remember that whistleblowing is not a crime but rather the hallmark of a responsible professional.

Patients deserve to know if their doctors are working towards their best health or if their doctors are only working for their pocketbooks, especially when doctors are publicly funded.

The motion towards removing Dr. Trozzi's license is both extraordinary and disquieting.

I request that you not remove Dr. Trozzi's right to practice medicine. His actions honored the Hippocratic Oath, prioritized patients' well-being, and rightfully used his Freedom of Speech so all Canadians could make an informed decision regarding the COVID-19 vaccines.

Please preserve the integrity of the medical profession and encourage all of the College’s members to follow Dr. Trozzi’s lead in prioritizing patients' health and safety over personal political ideologies and financial gain.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Protect Free Speech & Medical Integrity: Do Not Revoke Dr. Mark Trozzi’s Medical License

Dear Dr. Robert Gratton and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,

I am writing to you today to stop persecuting Dr. Mark Trozzi and his efforts to investigate the COVID-19 vaccines.

It is profoundly unjust to propose revoking Dr. Trozzi's medical license for fulfilling his obligation to the citizens and patients in Ontario, and throughout Canada, by thoroughly examining and logically scrutinizing the COVID-19 vaccine and its corresponding media narrative.

Dr. Trozzi worked tirelessly on the frontlines during the initial stages of the pandemic. He diligently assessed the vaccines, evaluating their safety and effectiveness, eventually uncovering information that challenged mainstream beliefs so he could provide the best information for Ontario and Canada's health professionals, patients, and citizens.

He also courageously exposed how some doctors preferred monetary benefits over patient welfare. It is important to remember that whistleblowing is not a crime but rather the hallmark of a responsible professional.

Patients deserve to know if their doctors are working towards their best health or if their doctors are only working for their pocketbooks, especially when doctors are publicly funded.

The motion towards removing Dr. Trozzi's license is both extraordinary and disquieting.

I request that you not remove Dr. Trozzi's right to practice medicine. His actions honored the Hippocratic Oath, prioritized patients' well-being, and rightfully used his Freedom of Speech so all Canadians could make an informed decision regarding the COVID-19 vaccines.

Please preserve the integrity of the medical profession and encourage all of the College’s members to follow Dr. Trozzi’s lead in prioritizing patients' health and safety over personal political ideologies and financial gain.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]