Our children, the most vulnerable members of our society, are being conned into irreversible procedures that alter their bodies and lives forever.
Ban Child Mutilation
Ban Child Mutilation
Our children, the most vulnerable members of our society, are being conned into irreversible procedures that alter their bodies and lives forever.
Puberty blockers, hormone supplements, and drastic sexual organ surgery are all procedures with horrific side effects that children cannot fully grasp. And in a sea of lies and misinformation, few adults understand the true horror.
The best way to put a stop to it all is by passing a flat-out Federal ban on administering these procedures to minors.
Many states have already passed bans on transgender child sexual mutilation, though several are being challenged in court.
But states like California and New York will not follow suit willingly, and the transgender lobby is howling for blood at the restrictions being placed on them.
That’s why, in addition to signing your petition, I need you to share it with your friends and family who share our values so they can have the opportunity to sign as well.
And once you’ve signed and shared, can you chip in with a modest contribution to help CitizenGO bring other Americans into the fight against child sexual mutilation? Even a gift of $10 or $15 will be a big boost.