Petition to: Prime Minister of Poland, EU Commissioner for Migration, And the Leaders of all EU members states
After terror attacks, say 'NO' (like, Poland) to EU immigration quotas
After terror attacks, say 'NO' (like, Poland) to EU immigration quotas
The European Commission has set this month (June) as the deadline for EU member states to comply with the forced redistribution of 160,000 non-EU immigrants, from Greece and Italy, to other EU countries.
Miss the deadline, and sanctions - fines, loss of funding, etc. - have been threatened.
But, Poland (and, Hungary) have refused, in the words of the Polish Prime Minister, Beata Szydło, to be "blackmailed" by the Commission on this matter.
Indeed, in a speech to the Polish Parliament, which she made on 26 May, Szydło stated the follow, with specific reference to the potential for harm which uncontrolled immigration poses for both the physical safety and the cultural integrity of Europe:
Where are you headed, Europe? Rise from your knees and from your lethargy, or you will be crying over your children every day.
If you cannot see that terrorism has the potential to hurt every country in Europe, and you think that Poland should not defend itself, you are going hand in hand with those who point this weapon against Europe, against all of us.
Do we want politicians who say we have to ‘get used to’ terrorist attacks?
And, of course, Prime Minister Szydło was not just referring to Polish politicians, but, rather, to European politicians, generally, and to the European Commission, in particular.
Also, particularly tone-deaf to the demands of the citizens of Europe, the German Chancellor, who caused the migration crisis in Europe by responding to the waves of migrants, in 2015, with her "open door policy", now demands that member states of the Union embrace this army of invited guests.
But, faced with the ongoing and brutal terrorist attacks in European cities, the multi-generational lack of integration of minorities from the Middle East and North Africa, and the reluctance of European society to assent to Turkey joining the EU, the European Commission has now resorted to forcing the relocation of migrants on member states, including Poland - contrary to Polish government policy and the overwhelming majority of Polish people.
Indeed, opposition to forced EU quotas of immigrants in Poland has reached 75% in recent polling. And, a December, 2016 Eurobarometer poll shows such opposition in all EU member states to stand at 56% (please see the report below).
The unprecedented pressure of the European institutions on the Polish Government, blackmailing and threatening to withdraw EU funds in the event of a refusal, are completely contrary to the treaties which Poland signed when joining the European Union. It is supposed to be a union of sovereign and democratic member states.
And, it's not as though Poland has refused to help the situation at all. The Polish Government has, in fact, promised to direct financial aid to refugee camps in the Middle East, which seems an astute response to the crisis.
Thus, the anti-democratic actions of the European Union, in this regard, continue to deepen the crisis of confidence in the EU ruling elite, and also confirm, for observers of the EU, that the Commission disregard both the will of electorate as well as the security of the member states.
Which seems staggeringly myopic, considering that these are precisely the issues which were at-play in the Brexit vote.
Moreover, the rhetoric and tone of the demands placed on member states, in this regard, are offensive. Most countries in the EU have, at one time or another, warmly received refugees of war and famine. For example, Poland received tens of thousands of Vietnamese immigrants out of East Germany after regaining independence in 1989, as well as many Muslim refugees from the Chechnya Wars. But, now, the country stands accused of lack of compassion and xenophobia.
These kinds of accusation are, therefore, not only bogus, but also scandalous.
Poland - and all EU member states - as sovereign countries have the right not to agree to the program of forced relocation of immigrants imposed by the decision of a third party, against the will of the citizens of those states.
The European Commission's threats and blackmail on this issue must not become the language of EU diplomacy. Simply put, Brussels can not usurp the rights of democratically-elected governments of free member states.
For these reasons, this petition does two things: 1) Supports the Polish authorities for their actions - rejecting the forced quotas of migrants - in this vital matter for the future of Poland; and, 2) Protests the action of the EU Commission, by alerting Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European Commissioner for Migration, to the obvious security and cultural threats involved in this program, as well as contacting (and, warning) all of the heads of state (of each member state) about the same.
Thank you for signing this urgent petition!
FOR MORE INFORMATION:,Poland-will-remain-in-the-EU-PM
See Point No. 6 on the Numbers Involved in the Quota Systems [But, bear in mind that these quotas only apply to a very small proportion of the total number of migrants entering Europe over the last three years.]:
Eurobarometer (December, 2016), which asked questions on Immigration - NB - goes directly to a pdf:
Many thanks to our Polish friends, at Reduta Dobrego Imienia, whose petition we are both joining and broadening.