Justice for Grace Schara who was drugged to death by doctors

Grace Schara murdered by hospital


Justice for Grace Schara who was drugged to death by doctors

Justice for Grace Schara who was drugged to death by doctors

7,622 have signed. Let's get to 10,000!

In 2021, Grace Schara, who has Down syndrome, was admitted to the Appleton Hospital in Wisconsin for low oxygen from contracting COVID-19. 

Grace had a ‘do not resuscitate order’ (DNR)  placed on her without her family's consent. 

She was given a lethal cocktail of drugs that led to her death. 

When family members asked doctors to step in and save the young woman, they did nothing.

Grace Schara passed away at 19 years old, in the care of Doctors and nurses that didn't value her life and facilitated her death. 

Hospitals are committed to following what the government dictates and receiving financial benefits, so Grace's life was of little consequence to them. 

It is a sad day in our country when someone's life doesn't matter because they have Down syndrome. 

We have witnessed the leftist movement try to dehumanize children with Down syndrome and even attempt to erase them through abortion and genetic testing. 

There have been thousands of cases where children with Down syndrome are mistreated, ignored, and, like Grace, murdered. 

When will we finally take a stand against this genocide?

7,622 have signed. Let's get to 10,000!

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Justice for Grace Schara

Dear Appleton Doctors, Nurses, 

Grace Schara was placed under your care in 2021 and was murdered by her Doctors and nurses on October 13th. 

Grace’s story has exposed what happened in COVID hospitals during the pandemic and how money was prioritized over people's lives. 

You are responsible for Grace's death.

You must come clean about this tragedy and hold the Doctors and nurses responsible for their actions. 

Sincerely, We, the people 

[Your Name]

Justice for Grace Schara

Dear Appleton Doctors, Nurses, 

Grace Schara was placed under your care in 2021 and was murdered by her Doctors and nurses on October 13th. 

Grace’s story has exposed what happened in COVID hospitals during the pandemic and how money was prioritized over people's lives. 

You are responsible for Grace's death.

You must come clean about this tragedy and hold the Doctors and nurses responsible for their actions. 

Sincerely, We, the people 

[Your Name]