Stop FBI raids on Christians!

The FBI have begun raids on ministers and released a memo about their intentions to persecute Christians.


Stop FBI raids on Christians!

Stop FBI raids on Christians!

8,203 have signed. Let's get to 10,000!

The persecution of Christians by our government is in full swing. 

For months, Catholics nationwide have been persecuted, arrested, embarrassed, and harassed by the FBI for their pro-life and Christian views. 

The FBI released a memo that outlined their intention to target Catholics specifically, to send a message that Christian views and beliefs are dangerous and punishable by law. 

The memo states that the FBI needs to target Catholics because they are an "extremist" threat, but the FBI is knocking down doors and terrorizing families. 

The FBI is purposefully going after Christians for political and ideological reasons, threatening religious freedom for everybody.  

Despite the controversy and backlash, the FBI is trying to cover this up while holding several Catholic priests behind bars and prosecuting Catholics like Mark Houck for their values. 

What's to stop the FBI from entering your home next and arresting you and your family? 

This threatens all of us. 

We need to take action while we still have religious freedom intact. 

The FBI are bursting into people's homes, pointing guns at them in front of their children, and arresting parents on site. 

When did the U.S. government become a communist authoritarian cartel?

I know you do not want to see Christians and people of faith attacked and detained for their beliefs, so will you sign this petition to our members of Congress asking them to end this persecution? 

8,203 have signed. Let's get to 10,000!

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Stop the FBI persecution of Catholics!

Dear Mr. Speaker, we ask that you look into the recent FBI raids against Catholic and Christain families for their religious views. 

Our religious freedom is being attacked and threatened by a political cartel of thugs who want to eliminate all opposition. 

Even now, Catholics and Christians nationwide face legal suits from the FBI in the investigation for "extremism," which we all know is an excuse to persecute Christians for their values. 

Please, will you help us defend religious freedom? 

God bless. 

[Your Name]

Stop the FBI persecution of Catholics!

Dear Mr. Speaker, we ask that you look into the recent FBI raids against Catholic and Christain families for their religious views. 

Our religious freedom is being attacked and threatened by a political cartel of thugs who want to eliminate all opposition. 

Even now, Catholics and Christians nationwide face legal suits from the FBI in the investigation for "extremism," which we all know is an excuse to persecute Christians for their values. 

Please, will you help us defend religious freedom? 

God bless. 

[Your Name]