DC Comics to release blasphemous series about Jesus

Petition to: DC Comics


DC Comics to release blasphemous series about Jesus


DC Comics to release blasphemous series about Jesus

236,846 signatures

UPDATE: Feb. 14th, 2019

After our petition went viral, DC Comics has decided to cancel "Second Coming"!

Read more: https://comicbook.com/dc/2019/02/13/dc-comics-cancels-second-coming/

DC Comics is set to release an outrageous and blasphemous new series featuring Jesus Christ as the sidekick for an "all powerful" superhero.

Let DC Comics know that this comic is inappropriate. It should be immediately pulled from their release schedule.

According to Fox News, the “Second Coming” comic “reimagines why Jesus left earth the first time and is coming back again.” Author Mark Russell recently shared a bit about the concept behind his comic. He explained, “God was so upset with Jesus’s performance the first time he came to Earth, since he was arrested so soon and crucified shortly after, that he has kept him locked-up since then.”

Can you imagine the media and political uproar if DC Comics was altering and poking fun at the story of Muhammad... or Buddha?

This blasphemous content should not be tolerated. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His story should not be ridiculed for the sake of selling comic books.

When asked how long his series will continue, Russell explained, “We’re slated for six issues but the goal would be to turn it into an ongoing if the reaction is positive.”

Let DC Comics know that the reaction is most assuredly not positive. If we can’t stop the initial release, hopefully we can ensure that there are no future releases. 

Please sign this petition if you agree that DC Comics should pull this blasphemous series. Your signature will be sent directly to DC Comic’s Executive Vice President Amit Desai, Publisher Dan Didio, and Chief Creative Officer Jim Lee. 

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Stop Release of "Second Coming"

Dear DC Comics Board and Management,

I am appalled by your decision to publish “Second Coming,” a comic that features Jesus Christ as a clueless superhero sidekick.

In a recent interview with Bleeding Cool, author Mark Russell described the concept behind his upcoming comic. He explained, “God was so upset with Jesus’s performance the first time he came to Earth, since he was arrested so soon and crucified crucified shortly after, that he has kept him locked-up since then.” In Russell’s comic series, Jesus comes back to earth as the roommate of “an all-powerful superhero, named Sun-Man.”

Would DC Comics publish similar content about other religious leaders, such as Mohammed or Buddha?

This content is inappropriate and blasphemous. It should be immediately pulled from DC Comics' publishing schedule.

[Your Name]

Stop Release of "Second Coming"

Dear DC Comics Board and Management,

I am appalled by your decision to publish “Second Coming,” a comic that features Jesus Christ as a clueless superhero sidekick.

In a recent interview with Bleeding Cool, author Mark Russell described the concept behind his upcoming comic. He explained, “God was so upset with Jesus’s performance the first time he came to Earth, since he was arrested so soon and crucified crucified shortly after, that he has kept him locked-up since then.” In Russell’s comic series, Jesus comes back to earth as the roommate of “an all-powerful superhero, named Sun-Man.”

Would DC Comics publish similar content about other religious leaders, such as Mohammed or Buddha?

This content is inappropriate and blasphemous. It should be immediately pulled from DC Comics' publishing schedule.

[Your Name]