Petition to: Reed Hastings - Netflix CEO
STOP Netflix's Attacks on Life and Family: Sign Now!
STOP Netflix's Attacks on Life and Family: Sign Now!
UPDATE: 07/31/2018 - Netflix's Assault on Life and the Family
Instead of responding to our concerns about their programming, Netflix has continued an all out assault on life and the family.
At the beginning of July, Netflix hosted Michelle Wolf's "Salute to Abortion," a disgusting, vile, and insensitive "comedy" piece that glorifies abortion. At the end of the clip, Wolf blasphemously declares "God bless abortions and God bless America!"
And that isn't all! Netflix recently released an Argentinian movie called Desire that critics say contains blatant child pornography. Despite concerns from critics and subscribers, Netflix has refused to remove the movie from their site.
It is starting to seem like Netflix will only change their behavior when it starts to affect their bottom line.
Please sign this petition today and tell Netflix why you will NOT be subscribing to their content.
Netflix MUST listen to the concerns of their consumers. In addition to delivering this petition via email, we are working offline to ensure the delivery of this petition directly to Netflix's office in California.
Netflix just announced a new animated series, “Super Drags.” This animated show is clearly geared towards young and vulnerable children. The cartoon series will feature “superheroes” who dress like the opposite gender.
The series is driven by a "politically correct" transvestite agenda and it is chock-full of sexual innuendos that are completely inappropriate for young audiences. You can see for yourself by watching the teaser trailer linked below.
Netflix offers wholesome shows like “Clifford, the Big Red Dog” and even “VeggieTales.” But do we really want our children to sit down to watch a fun new superhero cartoon series and instead have them lose their innocence to sexual wickedness?
This must not be allowed to happen. Please sign this petition to send a letter directly to Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix.
Emboldened by “gay pride,” Netflix is releasing a show geared towards children where homosexuality and cross-dressing are the focal point. Netflix has taken the skill sets of those who create wholesome, educational content for children and has inserted the homosexual agenda into their content.
Here’s how Netflix describes the show: “During the day, they work in a department store and deal with their uptight bitchy boss. By night, they tighten up their corsets and transform into the baddest SUPER DRAGS in town, ready to combat shade and rescue the world's glitter from the evil villains. Get ready, because the SUPER DRAGS are going deeper than you think.”
Our children need a voice. Will you stand up to those who are intent on pushing the transvestite agenda into their hearts and minds?
Please join The Christian Film & Television Commission by signing this petition. Help Netflix understand that they have crossed a line with this series.
Link to "Super Drags" teaser trailer (warning: not appropriate for young audiences):