Petition to Protect the Family!

Petition to: The United Nations


Petition to Protect the Family!

Petition to Protect the Family!

143.849 podpisov. Dosiahnime spoločne 200.000!

The United Nations Family Rights Caucus is urgently requesting your support of our "Include the Family UN petition!"

We need you to sign the petition and tell the UN to INCLUDE THE FAMILY! The UN is ignoring its obligation to protect the family as called for in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights  that recognizes the family as “the fundamental unit of society” entitled to protection of society and State. Other UN documents also call upon the UN to assess the impact of policies on the family in order to protect it.

Yet in important deliberations going on right now the UN is ignoring the family.  These deliberations will decide the international development goals for the United Nations and all 192 UN member countries for the next 15 years. We cannot let them ignore the essential and irreplaceable role of the family in achieving these goals or the family will be further undermined. 

This is not acceptable!

A few countries such as Belarus, Qatar and the delegation of the Holy See have called upon the UN to establish a standalone goal to protect the family as part of these new UN goals, but again, they have been completely ignored.

We cannot let this happen!

We are calling upon all responsible citizens from around the world to join the “Include the Family!” campaign by signing this petition.

This petition will be sent to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the head of the UN General Assembly, the chairs of the UN Open Working Group on the new goals, and the ambassadors of all 192 UN Member States. It calls upon each of them to fulfill their international obligation to protect the family by including the family in the UN’s post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Since the family is key to peace, prosperity and development, not only should protecting the family be a standalone goal, but the family should also be mainstreamed into each of the other UN goals as well.

We urgently need your help today! These goals are close to being completed, and we need to demonstrate worldwide support for including the family.

Let’s show the UN that the majority of people from all countries in the world want the family protected by making this the largest campaign the UN has ever seen.

Help them feel the power that comes when the families of the world arise and demand that policies that undermine this vital institution never advance.

In addition to signing the petition yourself, you can help support this effort even more by forwarding this petition on to everyone you know.

Forward it to mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, coworkers, religious and community leaders, officers of government, everyone you know, and ask them to sign it and forward it on as well.

Thank you for your help!

Together, let’s show the UN that families are irreplaceable and can no longer be ignored. Let’s tell the UN to “Include the Family!”


Sharon Slater

President of Family Watch International

Chair of the UN Family Rights Caucus

Learn more at

Join the UN Family Rights Caucus!  

We welcome individuals and organizations.  Your organization does not have to attend UN conferences or be accredited to the UN. The more organizations and individuals we represent, the stronger our voice for the family will be. We can be your voice for the family at the UN and our victories there can be yours too.

To learn more go to

Check out our past and present UN activities and initiatives and use our family policy resources in your work to defend the family.  

There is power in numbers, we hope you will join with us! 


Don't forget to like us on Facebook!  

Click here to visit the UNFRC Facebook Page.


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143.849 podpisov. Dosiahnime spoločne 200.000!

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Petition to: The United Nations


Whereas the United Nations has recognized that the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society, entitled to protection by society and State; (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16(3))

Whereas the family plays an essential role in eradicating poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; (United Nations 2014 CsocD Family Resolution)

Whereas “The stability and cohesiveness of com­munities and societies largely rest on the strength of the family”; (Secretary General's Family Report 2011 (A/66/62–E/2011/4))

Whereas UN policies and programs too often target individuals rather than families, despite evidence that a family-centered approach yields better results; (See The Family Impact Analysis)

Whereas the family was left out of the Millennium Development Goals, and will  apparently be excluded from the UN’s post-2015 development goals unless immediate action is taken;

Therefore, we, as concerned government, religious, and civil society leaders along with concerned individuals representing diverse cultures and countries in every region of the world, hereby call upon the United Nations and all Member States to place the family at the center of the UN’s post-2015 development agenda by taking the following measures:

1.  Establish a standalone sustainable development goal to  strengthen the family as an essential contributor to development.

2.  Mainstream a family perspective in each of the other sustainable development goals by establishing measurable family-focused targets in each area, and identifying and promoting evidence-based/ family-based approaches for achieving them.

3.  Develop mechanisms to analyze the impact of all laws, policies, and programs on family stability and autonomy.  



[Vaše meno/Vaše jméno]

Petition to: The United Nations


Whereas the United Nations has recognized that the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society, entitled to protection by society and State; (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16(3))

Whereas the family plays an essential role in eradicating poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; (United Nations 2014 CsocD Family Resolution)

Whereas “The stability and cohesiveness of com­munities and societies largely rest on the strength of the family”; (Secretary General's Family Report 2011 (A/66/62–E/2011/4))

Whereas UN policies and programs too often target individuals rather than families, despite evidence that a family-centered approach yields better results; (See The Family Impact Analysis)

Whereas the family was left out of the Millennium Development Goals, and will  apparently be excluded from the UN’s post-2015 development goals unless immediate action is taken;

Therefore, we, as concerned government, religious, and civil society leaders along with concerned individuals representing diverse cultures and countries in every region of the world, hereby call upon the United Nations and all Member States to place the family at the center of the UN’s post-2015 development agenda by taking the following measures:

1.  Establish a standalone sustainable development goal to  strengthen the family as an essential contributor to development.

2.  Mainstream a family perspective in each of the other sustainable development goals by establishing measurable family-focused targets in each area, and identifying and promoting evidence-based/ family-based approaches for achieving them.

3.  Develop mechanisms to analyze the impact of all laws, policies, and programs on family stability and autonomy.  



[Vaše meno/Vaše jméno]