Petition to: Valencian Government
Radical leftists want to criminalize a Cardinal… for Christian statements?
Radical leftists want to criminalize a Cardinal… for Christian statements?
The radical left has taken offense at a Spanish Cardinal’s homily on gender ideology. Now they are trying to criminalize him, oust him from his position, and even put him behind bars.
This debate began when Cardinal Cañizares of Valencia gave a homily on May 13th, in which he said the following:
"We have legislation here that is contrary to the family. . . . This situation is serious, and has consequences for the future of society. We must now consider the stability of marriage and the family, and the support and public recognition of the family, as an issue of utmost social concern.”
Following this, on May 29th, he argued that gender ideology was “the most insidious ideology that has been destructive of humanity throughout history.”
He also made comments in opposition to radical feminist groups and expressed reservations about open-doors immigration policies.
Cardinal Cañizares’ statements have unleashed a manhunt against him by the radical left. His position and his wellbeing are at risk. We must speak up now in defense of his character and statements.
Sign this petition to Valencia’s Mayor and to the heads of the various political groups that are attacking the Cardinal. Ask them to respect the Cardinal’s freedom of expression and his freedom of religion.
After they heard Cardinal Cañizares’ statements, the LGBT lobby filed a complaint with the courts in Valencia. The President of the Valencian government, socialist Ximo Puig, then condemned the Cardinal in the regional parliament, stating:
"His words are unbecoming for one holds such a high responsibility (...) Everyone can love anyone, I worry about those who do not love anyone (...) I feel more represented by Pope Francis.”
The Vice President of the Valencian parliament, Monica Oltra, also joined the attacks against the Cardinal. She said at a news conference:"[Cardinal Cañizares’] words encourage a feeling of hatred and therefore hate crimes (...) his message is misogynistic and humiliating to women."
But Cardinal Cañizares is far from alone in his pro-family stance. Most Christian leaders from around the world agree that gender ideology is harmful to humanity and goes against God’s intended order.
Pope Francis himself has said about gender ideology:
"Yet another challenge is posed by the various forms of an ideology of gender that ‘denies the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman and envisages a society without sexual differences, thereby eliminating the anthropological basis of the family’ . . . we are called to protect our humanity, and this means, in the first place, accepting it and respecting it as it was created.”
Despite the fact that Cardinal Cañizares was merely stating well-known Christian doctrine and his own sincerely held beliefs, the accusations against him threaten both his position and his wellbeing. He responded in a letter to his whole diocese:
"Am I one who fosters hatred? Or is the hatred brought against me by others, such as those in the sessions of Parliament, like the one held last Thursday? Their words of judgments (against my beliefs) create unpredictable and undesirable consequences.”
But the radical left insist in their quest to criminalize the Cardinal, and now they have taken their request to the City Hall and to the courts.
Write to these decision makers now to show your solidarity with Cardinal Cañizares, a man who is being persecuted simply for preaching the Gospel.
If Cardinal Cañizares is charged in court, he could face up to three years behind bars!
When you sign this campaign, you will be sending an email directly to the mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, and to spokespeople from the various political groups that are attacking the Cardinal.
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