Petition to: President HE Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir of Sudan
Seven pastors arrested in Sudan
Seven pastors arrested in Sudan
Last week, seven Christian leaders in Sudan were arrested after they refused to hand control of their churches over to the government.
CitizenGO subscribers have successfully secured the release of several Christians imprisoned in Sudan in the past, including Meriam Ibrahim, Petr Jasek, and pastors Hassan and Abdulmonem. International pressure undoubtedly played a part in ensuring the release of these Christians.
We cannot stop now. We should not rest until Christian in Sudan do not have to live under threat of arrest for their faith.
Please join CitizenGO in speaking out against these new arrests.
According to local reports, the pastors, who are leaders in the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC), were “interrogated for six hours and released on bail.” The pastors were charged with “refusing to comply with an order to turn over leadership of their congregation to a committee appointed by Sudan's Ministry of Guidance and Religious Endowments.”
Sudan’s track record on Christian persecution is poor. They are listed as a Country of Particular Concern by the U.S. State Department, and the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has recommended that they remain on the list.
On Tuesday, leaders from the U.S. visited Sudan and raised the issue of religious freedom. International pressure is mounting, and now is the time to secure religious freedom for Christians in Sudan.
Help us tell Sudan that their persecution of Christians does not go unnoticed by the international community. Sudanese officials must clear these pastors of the charges brought against them, roll back all attempts to gain control of Christian churches, and allow Christians to freely and openly practice their faith in Sudan without fear of persecution.