Help end blasphemy laws and free Yahaya Sharif-Aminu who could face death over a WhatsApp message!

Petition to: FAO James Cleverly - Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom


Help end blasphemy laws and free Yahaya Sharif-Aminu who could face death over a WhatsApp message!

Help end blasphemy laws and free Yahaya Sharif-Aminu who could face death over a WhatsApp message!

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Imagine being threatened with death because of something you said that others found offensive to their own beliefs?


This is what some blasphemy laws around the world allow; the death sentence for opinions that others find offensive.

Blasphemy laws are prevalent in many countries where Sharia law operates and are often used to persecute Christians and religious minorities.

Reports and testimonies reveal that these laws are often a significant driver of social tensions and brutal mob violence, often directed against Christians.

Blasphemy accusations across the world are the ultimate censorship, as they regularly lead to mob violence and murder. And in Nigeria, the broader violence against Christians is causing an estimated 13 Christians to be violently killed every day because of their faith. Christian student Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu was stoned and beaten to death for thanking Jesus after an exam. She lost her life over blasphemy accusations and the out-of-control mob’s hatred towards her statement. Now, Christian and mother of five, Rhoda Jatau, is facing a blasphemy charge for forwarding a video defending Deborah, and the mob came after her as well. No one should be subjected to mob violence and attacks based on their peaceful expression.

And in Northern Nigeria, young Sufi musician Yahaya Sharif-Aminu has his life and freedom hanging in the balance because the self-composed song lyrics he shared in a WhatsApp group were deemed “blasphemous” and a mob demanded his arrest after destroying his home.

Everyone should have the right to freely speak, live out their faith, and worship without fear of persecution. But those subjected to blasphemy laws are often denied these basic human rights.


We want to see blasphemy laws repealed.

We want to secure freedom of religion and free expression for all.

Will you join us?



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Petition to: FAO James Cleverly - Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Cleverly,

Are you committed to ending blasphemy laws around the world?

These laws violate international human rights on many levels. They punish individuals for speech that others find offensive towards their own beliefs and are the ultimate censorship, regularly leading to mob violence and even murder.

We are facing a watershed moment for human rights and international law. Will you stand for justice and work to help free Yahaya Sharif-Aminu?

This young Sufi musician from Northern Nigeria has his life and freedom hanging in the balance because the self-composed song lyrics he shared in a WhatsApp group were deemed “blasphemous” in his homeland, Nigeria.

For speaking a few simple words, he was threatened by angry mob violence and had his home burnt down. Now, he is fighting against a possible death penalty at Nigeria’s Supreme Court.

Beyond Nigeria, Yahaya’s case could be the first of many steps to seeing other blasphemy laws repealed - securing freedom of religion and free expression for all.

A win would save Yahaya’s life and could abolish the blasphemy laws in Northern Nigeria.

A win would help reintroduce constitutional order guaranteeing the right to free expression and religious freedom in Northern Nigeria.

And lastly, a win could lead the way towards abolishing blasphemy laws that plague religious minorities around the globe.

Will you help protect our fundamental freedoms, at home and around the world?


[Your Name]

Petition to: FAO James Cleverly - Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom

Dear Mr. Cleverly,

Are you committed to ending blasphemy laws around the world?

These laws violate international human rights on many levels. They punish individuals for speech that others find offensive towards their own beliefs and are the ultimate censorship, regularly leading to mob violence and even murder.

We are facing a watershed moment for human rights and international law. Will you stand for justice and work to help free Yahaya Sharif-Aminu?

This young Sufi musician from Northern Nigeria has his life and freedom hanging in the balance because the self-composed song lyrics he shared in a WhatsApp group were deemed “blasphemous” in his homeland, Nigeria.

For speaking a few simple words, he was threatened by angry mob violence and had his home burnt down. Now, he is fighting against a possible death penalty at Nigeria’s Supreme Court.

Beyond Nigeria, Yahaya’s case could be the first of many steps to seeing other blasphemy laws repealed - securing freedom of religion and free expression for all.

A win would save Yahaya’s life and could abolish the blasphemy laws in Northern Nigeria.

A win would help reintroduce constitutional order guaranteeing the right to free expression and religious freedom in Northern Nigeria.

And lastly, a win could lead the way towards abolishing blasphemy laws that plague religious minorities around the globe.

Will you help protect our fundamental freedoms, at home and around the world?


[Your Name]