Christian Concern

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Christian Concern Christian Concern

A Christian teacher could be banned from teaching for life for refusing to promote extreme LGBT ideologies at a Church of England secondary school.

Schools should not be able to force children to celebrate LGBT+ Pride parades. Sign our petition to the Education Secretary urging her to include our sensible proposals in the upcoming transgender guidance for schools.

Did you know you could be fined £620 and forced to do 80 hours of community service for ‘misgendering’ someone?

Educate & Celebrate is a controversial LGBT campaign group, which promotes the use of LGBT materials in schools across the country. 

The group is responsible for promoting materials such as the ‘Gender Unicorn’ to teach a completely unscientific view of sex and gender. 

Update | 14 Dec 2022:

In a win for Christian freedoms, the government has said that it was "inappropriate" for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to argue that parts of the Bible are ‘no longer appropriate in modern society’ while trying to convict a Christian preacher of an alleged ‘hate crime.’

The Church of England’s Valuing All God’s Children guidance says that children as young as five should be affirmed if they want to identify as the opposite gender. 

This guidance covers over 4,800 CofE primary schools and tens of thousands of pupils. 

Did you know that you can be fired for expressing Christian beliefs outside work?

Did you know that you can be fired for expressing Christian beliefs outside work?

Did you know that you can be fired for expressing Christian beliefs outside work?

Did you know that you can be sacked for expressing Christian beliefs outside work?

Workers in England and Wales could be compelled to lie about a person's biological sex or face losing their job.

Many people don’t agree with the use of ‘transgender pronouns’; employees shouldn’t be compelled to say things they disagree with.

Nobody should be forced to lie.

Zapalony bokser i gimnastyk, 12-letni Archie Battersbee, jest hospitalizowany w Royal London Hospital w związku z urazem mózgu po strasznym wypadku do którego doszło w domu 7 kwietnia.

Update: On Thursday 19 May, a judge in the family court hearing set a timetable to decide whether or not Archie will be able to live. A hearing will take place on June 6 and 7 to determine whether or not continuing to treat Archie is in his 'best interests. The Royal London has determined that it would be pointless to carry out a brain stem test.

After a campaign of complaints from one set of parents, St Lawrence College, Ramsgate has dropped its support for the Christian charity Samaritan’s Purse.

The parents claimed that the charity’s president, Franklin Graham, is homophobic and that those who share his beliefs are a “danger to children”.

2022 update: 

Since we started this petition in 2019, Mermaids has continually been exposed for its harmful advice and advocacy. 

UPDATE: Pastor Ilesanmi has now been awarded £2,500 by the Metropolitan Police in relation to his false arrest, imprisonment and unlawful detention. Marking the resolution of his case, Pastor Oluwole will deliver the petition, Tuesday (30 July) at 10.30am at the Home Office to the new Home Secretary Priti Patel, as well as to London City Hall. The C

A video of street preacher Oluwole Ilesanmi being arrested outside Southgate Underground station has been seen by millions of people worldwide. It's not the first time a Christian street preacher has been wrongly arrested in the UK.

Christian street preachers should be free to share the gospel, even where it means challenging the beliefs of others.