In prison for voicing his Christian beliefs

Michael Higgins - President of Ireland


In prison for voicing his Christian beliefs

In prison for voicing his Christian beliefs

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Maybe you have already heard about the Irish teacher who ended up in prison for refusing to comply with a request from his school to refer to a student using the pronoun ‘they’.

Yet another case of Christians being fired, suspended from their jobs, or in some other way removed from public life simply because they stood up for their beliefs.

This event requires us to recognize a painful truth: what happened is not an oddity. We’ve seen it before.

A couple of months ago in the UK, Maureen Martin – a Christian woman aged 56 – was fired from her job for expressing her opinion based on her religious beliefs.

Last year, Finnish parliamentarian Päivi Räsänen was facing jail for posting a Bible verse on her personal Twitter account.

Even one of our CitizenGO campaigners, Caroline Farrow from the UK, was dragged to the High Court and subjected to a temporary injunction for the perceived offense of ‘misgendering’, which was deemed as potential harassment.

All of them are victims of a society that prohibits Christians from expressing their opinions if they are contrary to the ideological LGBT and the radical Left’s mainstream.

Burke is one of ten siblings from a deeply religious evangelical family who have all had a series of clashes with the legal system in a society that wishes to discard itself of any links to its Christian heritage.

Now, they have set out to demand justice. And there will be many more attacks on them, especially from the media that is already trying to present them as some sort of crazy, religious people that are just making trouble.

And all this is happening as the Irish Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, is preparing an updated hate-speech bill to be brought to the legislature, “to make it easier to secure prosecutions and convictions for crimes motivated by hate”.

Does this mean that in the future those who stand by their religious beliefs will be automatically banned, sidelined, prosecuted, or even jailed?

The case of Enoch Burke is another attack on freedom of religion, free speech, and freedom of conscience.

We can’t allow this to continue. We have to tell the Irish government that standing up for one’s beliefs should not be a crime in a free society.

Sign our petition to demand Enoch Burke be released from prison and allowed back to work, and then pass it along to your friends.


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To Michael Higgins - President of Ireland

The case of Enoch Burke, the jailed teacher who was unfairly sanctioned for refusing to validate gender ideology being propagated in his Church of Ireland school, has caused worldwide headlines.

Many leading medics are concerned about the physical and emotional damage being done to young people as a result of being allowed to ‘change gender’ and the practice is being called into question in many countries.

Mr. Burke poses no risk to the general public and should not have been subject to a jail sentence simply for standing up for his rights and attempting to protect students from harm.

Please, guarantee the right of conscience and freedom of speech: one’s beliefs should not be a crime in a free society.

[Your Name]

To Michael Higgins - President of Ireland

The case of Enoch Burke, the jailed teacher who was unfairly sanctioned for refusing to validate gender ideology being propagated in his Church of Ireland school, has caused worldwide headlines.

Many leading medics are concerned about the physical and emotional damage being done to young people as a result of being allowed to ‘change gender’ and the practice is being called into question in many countries.

Mr. Burke poses no risk to the general public and should not have been subject to a jail sentence simply for standing up for his rights and attempting to protect students from harm.

Please, guarantee the right of conscience and freedom of speech: one’s beliefs should not be a crime in a free society.

[Your Name]