Petition to DC Comics and African Film Boards
Stop the gay superman social engineering
Stop the gay superman social engineering
DC Comic announced the release of their bisexual superman. It is about Superman's son, Jonathan, Jon, aged 17 who falls in love with Jay Nakamura, a young journalist in glasses and pink hair from the fictional city Metropolis.
Jon, half superhero half-human has renewed and augmented superpowers and dedicates them to all the 'good guys' causes. Namely:
- Putting out fires caused by climate change
- Solve high school shootings caused by the alleged American laxity in the use of weapons
- Fight against deportation of immigrants in Metropolis
It will be on November 9 when the gay 'Superman' pretends to see the light. The scriptwriter of the series, Tom Taylor, frontally rejected in 'The New York Times' the idea of maintaining an image of Superman as we know:
“The idea of replacing Clark Kent with another straight white saviour seemed like a missed opportunity (...) A new Superman had to have new struggles - real-world problems - that he could face as one of the most powerful people of the world".
It is not just a cognitive dissonance with the traditional image of Superman; It is a true social engineering project of the gay lobby with the collaboration of DC Comic.
For more information:
You can read the note in The New York Times:
You can read the note on ABC:
The pink kryptonite made Superman gay: