Ban Pro-LGBT Cocomelon Series from Kenya's Children's TV



Ban Pro-LGBT Cocomelon Series from Kenya's Children's TV

Ban Pro-LGBT Cocomelon Series from Kenya's Children's TV

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You won't believe what Netflix is doing now!

Netflix is going too far by targeting innocent toddlers with its pro-LGBT cartoon. Innocent children should not be a market for the evil woke agenda by these leftists and it should be stopped immediately. The continued indoctrination of children by Netflix just went to another level with Netflix releasing a cartoon series labelled "Cocomelon Lane" which shows two men as parents. This is the lowest Netflix can get by targeting children who should not otherwise be exposed to such extreme political agenda.

The time is now! Netflix has already released this controversial series and it is accessible now. We need to have this banned as soon as possible. We need to end this wokeism by Netflix immediately. Clearly, there is an agenda to indoctrinate children on the LGBT agenda which should be stopped.

We need to protect our children from Netflix. If we don't, then we are creating a morally corrupt generation. Netflix is trying by all means to indoctrinate your children. The recent attack being the release of the controversial Cocomelon series which has two gay dads. This series should be banned from Africa immediately.

If we do nothing, we risk raising morally corrupt children who believe that a man and a man are dads. Children who are already indoctrinated by the woke and powerful Netflix and allies. We cannot allow this. There is hope. But only if we make a big effort now. We need as many signatures as possible to make an impression.

We have the chance to choose between two outcomes: Children who are morally corrupt and confused, or the restoration of family values. We have to act now before it is too late.

Take action today by signing our petition urging the Kenya Film Classification Director to ban Netflix's pro-LGBT Cocomelon cartoon series from Africa. Our children's future is at stake!

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Protect Our Children: Ban the Controversial Cocomelon Series!

Dear Kenya Film Classification Director,

Netflix has crossed a line with their recently released Cocomelon Lane cartoon series. This series, designed for innocent children, shockingly features two LGBT dads as characters.

Their relentless pursuit of spreading their woke agenda to our most vulnerable population is alarming. We are deeply saddened that childhood innocence is no longer respected or protected.

Reviews from concerned parents echo our fears. One parent lamented, "They do NOT need the woke agenda shoved down their throats. It’s a toddler show… come on that’s enough now." We can't stand by silently as our children's minds are infiltrated.

We are calling on you to ban this pro-LGBT cartoon series from Africa. Our children are not targets for leftist indoctrination. They deserve to enjoy their childhood, free from political agendas.

Let's unite to protect our children from this morally corrupt influence. We refuse to stand by and watch a generation be manipulated by Netflix's perverse messaging.

The time to act is now. Let's safeguard our children’s innocence and their right to childhood. Ban the controversial Cocomelon series today.

Kind regards,

[Ihr Name]

Protect Our Children: Ban the Controversial Cocomelon Series!

Dear Kenya Film Classification Director,

Netflix has crossed a line with their recently released Cocomelon Lane cartoon series. This series, designed for innocent children, shockingly features two LGBT dads as characters.

Their relentless pursuit of spreading their woke agenda to our most vulnerable population is alarming. We are deeply saddened that childhood innocence is no longer respected or protected.

Reviews from concerned parents echo our fears. One parent lamented, "They do NOT need the woke agenda shoved down their throats. It’s a toddler show… come on that’s enough now." We can't stand by silently as our children's minds are infiltrated.

We are calling on you to ban this pro-LGBT cartoon series from Africa. Our children are not targets for leftist indoctrination. They deserve to enjoy their childhood, free from political agendas.

Let's unite to protect our children from this morally corrupt influence. We refuse to stand by and watch a generation be manipulated by Netflix's perverse messaging.

The time to act is now. Let's safeguard our children’s innocence and their right to childhood. Ban the controversial Cocomelon series today.

Kind regards,

[Ihr Name]